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About KingMango

  • Birthday 12/04/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy bday -CK- Mango, thanks for getting me into this game ;)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! You got me into this game Spaz! Love you long time! (No homo)

  3. Someone should record clips of his voice and make a soundtrack out of it.
  4. I didn't abandon you. I was just bored.
  5. Michael go fight your brother some more I mean the are hardly ever useful any how and there are not that many on when the servers are full either like 2 usually.
  6. Defibs or nah? you never know maybe all the sweaty nerds will come back and revive gang life.
  7. @Poseidon it's up to you to make olympus great again. #bringbackdefibs

  8. o7 you'll be missed
  9. XD Jamie your turning into octane chill out.
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