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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Olympus R6 tourney

  2. Panda :)


    From what I have seen that’s normal price.
  3. b7d970342b3dc48e625a91a95c3b7a0e.png
    these mf just don't understand @Xirie

    1. Xirie


      mf carrot talkin dat shit

  4. Dog I have to ask why are you obsessed with black people
  5. I would hide this post or atleast blur my name if I was you it has your name in it and your full name on a forum full of toxic people will result in very aids shit like your social media being posted on the forums
  6. You were probably denied partially due to the fact that you have very little experience in the community, but I understand it sucks writing out a app with that much dedication and being denied. With that being said feel free to try again, but def don't spam it that will get annoying and show that you are immature good luck with future applications.
  7. Yeah frick that @Ryan guy for killing the server you frickin fricker!!!11!!11


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      They have a dev server Dante that is used but not to throw shade they only have 1 active dev that actually is really good in his work.

    3. -dante-


      Right, but I mean where you release it to the public for stress testing. When you have huge updates like they’ve been releasing lately, there’s a big chance of a few errors in my experience. Even Jesse who is known by most of us as the best to do it here; would still occasionally open it To the public for bigger things or have staff test shit. It’s just impossible for the devs to find all the bugs on their own. 

    4. Vcx



  8. I would say refrain from abusing them because it could potentially lead to a exploiting ban but I am not staff so not 100% sure even if you aren’t going to get banned for it please don’t be a asshole and abuse a broken exploit.
  9. If anyone is interested in buying a escape from tarkov EOD edition account with REAL  money hmu

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SPBojo


      90 bucks? You high af LOL

    3. Skorch


      ya you can swap emails by messaging BSG support (who speak broken english) which takes forever, as well as multiple annoying confirmations depending on how you purchased your account.

      not fucking worth

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Dog I was literally on the website last night it had a button that said change email and you were sent a verification code through the current email then you typed it in and then you changed the email.

  10. The money he was giving away was the money he made legit before he had infinite $.
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