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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. streaming some siege ranked toxicity https://www.twitch.tv/chronowendigo

    1. Dangus


      I have my semester finals next week...




      I want to die.


    1. Homicide


       Thanks bro appreciate it

  3. You are the only autistic person here It's literally on pro, there's zero houses close to plat that are above 2 crat If you aren't buying shit get off the fucking thread you mongoloids
  4. It's ok boy Krispy can teach you that you can put 6 hours in for runs over the course of a week. You'll graduate dw Say that to the people I Rob everyday I log in when they beg me not too
  5. That's about the time I spent.
  6. Fucks your point I made 10 mil in one week
  7. Delete the thread obvliously people can't take shit seriously
  8. 8 mil is the lowest il go
  9. g e t o f f t h e t h r e a d
  10. fuck off the thread.
  11. only serious offers
  12. taking offers and bids
  13. whats this bs about needing 8 members to use a gang shed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Then start recruiting.

    3. Arigato


      just invite randoms from kavala until you rebuild, simple fix

    4. KrispyK


      i think i speak for everyone when i say no one wants to invite randoms from kavala

  14. bump. taking offers
  15. il take the cmr and heli helm for 300k.
  16. who has the forest server?

  17. its want to buy.
  18. do you not see WTB?
  19. remember when games were like, 7gb max? image.png.791e21a5dbee6889a3789fb1ce999ac6.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KrispyK


      i have an ssd, thats why its low.

    3. Pledge


      1 hour ago, Invu said:


      feels bad man

      81b208f6618d8b1c1d5c5870c992d913.pngFeels worse man.


    4. Kamikaze
  20. fam you might wanna use my shed first
  21. i wish there was a state page for how much plat iv sold while in t

  22. Nothing is more fun than out manuvering and out running a ghost hawk in a tempest

  23. screenshot please
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