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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. i just put the ab buy there to be a dick bc id rather not get asked how much it is to ab. i dont expect anyone to pay 10 mil il change ab to 5 mil since its triggering everyone id rather it get bidded on.
  2. ab is supposed to be high.
  3. starting at 2 mil - 1 week from 11/26/17 ab 10 mil http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1213332107
  4. ARE YOU SERIOUS and I thought luckies post on this site was the stupidest shit iv see
  5. Happy birthday @hadi mokdad still wanna buy the MXM

  6. cops? blame the people who storm into hq to take us hostage. its hard to police an entire town with 15 players for every cop.
  7. oh boy cant wait to report you again when you rdm me for the 80th time. you should make better choices this time.
  8. how is dayz ready for release? 4 years in beta and getting off a ladder kills you. well atlest some bambis gonna be happy with full military gear and an SKS

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RambleR


      Dayz is not what dayz used to be. Shit game. 

    3. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      50/50 they hit beta before June; that's as far as I'm willing to go.

      At this point the glacial pace can only attributed to DayZ being low priority for BI, with a good portion of the potential playerbase already owning it for a few years.  


    4. KrispyK


      @RambleR i wish arma 2 dayz servers would make a comeback. those basebuilding days were legit

  9. Well that didn't take long @eggmasta

    1. eggmasta


      oof, just 320 hrs and 3 and a half months of being a career cop;)

  10. also fuck my editor for making it look like a potatoe

    1. sleazy turd racoon
    2. KrispyK


      dont need to be toxic, i just found it funny.

  11. il buy it for 100k
  12. got to love dayz standalone having 80 rifles laying everywhere but you cant find a fucking soda, seems this game is still shit 4 years later

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      seriously? well that explains it. why the hell do they have it that way? also all the servers i can see have low pop

    3. Savage


      When looking for servers click on where is says pop and the servers with most pop will listed from top to bottom if not than bottom to top

    4. KrispyK


      i dont get why it spanwed no water tho, one house spawned in 5 trumpets, with 3 hunting scopes and 2 shotguns

  13. How long does my ban need to be ago for me to get accepted
  14. Is there a new cartel practice server?

  15. what the fuck is going on with the site everything is broken

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Looks good to me.. might be something on your end.

    2. OG Doc
  16. unknown.png website machine broke

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arigato


      I see those dragon ball super and D&D tabs

    3. KrispyK


      11 minutes ago, Arigato said:

      I see those dragon ball super and D&D tabs

      dont judge me

    4. Arigato


      28 minutes ago, KrispyKreme said:

      dont judge me

      lowkey nerded out when i saw it

  17. hey so  i have this problem with arma when ever i go full auto or some else guoes to spray at me that my game with ethier freeze for a second or drop frames, anyone know a fix to this? i might just need a intel cpu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hydra
    3. Majed
    4. Cadetbus


      9 minutes ago, KrispyKreme said:


      Lower audio sources to 16 fixed my issue and if that doesn't help then install arma on a SSD.

  18. ENTER enter
  19. day/month/year makes the most sense
  20. how about malden
  21. KrispyK

    Hey Olympus!

    you made a good choice
  22. anyone looking for a +1 for gang wars #careercoplifesucks

  23. next time post the fucking tags bruh so i dont vote wrong
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