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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. I love this update, 40 more frames!

  2. how do I launch in 64?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RogueMK


      if you have 64bit operating system then it will load as default 64bit, open launcher and check parameters, then check "Platform" should say Default(64Bit)

    3. KrispyK


      thank god!

      I already see improvement

  3. it is pretty ****, they could have learned their lesson awhile ago from another game and still get banned. sounds like a trump solution
  4. see you smoke, you were a cool cat.
  5. @Dante Fleury toxic posts being toxic
  6. no, but my gang getting bad rep for people breaking rules.
  7. please report it to me immediately with video, and il kick them from the gang or give them probation. I wont tolerate bs in my gang.
  8. when you don't have 10 players FeelsBadMan
  9. thanks for clearing this up, I would always be asked to move abandoned cars to free garages but I didn't want to get blacklisted :I
  10. as if vigis make anymoney lol...have you ever tried to vigi in kavala? watched a guy yesterday get 10 ks members on his ass
  11. pretty sure the vigi armour gets one tapped. vigis cant buy rebel gear.
  12. ask a civ that when 3 cops roll up on one civ.
  13. no, vigis need them when tasking on a rebel 7.-- one tap death gun. stuff needs to be equal. make the spar 75k or 80k as its more expensive but not to the point were a vigi cant by it, vigis go through more money than any other faction so it would be about 120k if it was under rebel. it is cheap right now
  14. we need less cops playing tho, lately there has been 13 cops playing when only 50 players were on. hard to do anything illegal when a squad of 8 pulls up.
  15. i cant wait to try ouy the new system too bad im waiting on a replacement for my dead psu
  16. try being a fresh spawn in kavala. get over it. cops have to deal with the same stuff we do.
  17. ^ all the more reason i dont like cops...
  18. isnt there a rule you arnt allowed to do anything to someone below 60k? im not able to watch the vid rn tho
  19. the real question is, why is he trying to arrest a guy wanted for 30k?
  20. anyone know a good cpu cooler that lays flat for amd 8350? i bought the 212 evo but it didnt fit in my case by a centimeter, thinking about https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UOIK3FU/ref=crt_ewc_title_dp_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      i5`s aint even good for gaming tho. and 3.3 aint even that good when I can get 5.0 out of an amd with 8 cores.

      intel is horribly over priced

    3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      lol ok dude . 8 amd cores is like 4 intel cores. and 3.3 is good enough 

  21. KrispyK


    Kent robbing and such Long as that heli sound ain't bien annoying
  22. KrispyK


    i just dont want a news team recording me if i told them to leave and in my face, following me around. i know it sounds b****y but dont really like the idea of my crimes being recorded with out being able to stop it.
  23. KrispyK


    actually how about tazing them and removing them? then there is no loss of life
  24. KrispyK


    counter point at one thing, medics also, cant deend themselves and has a bigger hindrance from being held, so i dont really see the reason there. and if anything a news reporter can write a article about the being held captive. now, if i have a reporter being very annoying after i told them to leave the area would i be allowed to kill him after giving multiple chances? or would it be like the medic rule
  25. why cant we hold news team hostage? we can with apd and medic, seems pretty weird.
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