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billdroid last won the day on September 11 2020

billdroid had the most liked content!


About billdroid

  • Birthday 03/17/2001

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  1. Hope she didn’t make u o7


    appreciate everything you did @ Doc thank you 🙏 

  2. NSM non stop murder, the second gang i was in when i first started playing
  3. @ -dante-  please unban my friend Parker. He committed a grave sin when he v’d through the wall to kill the naked kid. He comped him 300k when a NAKED asked for 1m. Please free this young man so he can enjoy his Christmas break on your great server

    1. ben-


      Dante will be the death of this server and I will stand by that till I die.

    2. -dante-
    3. America's biggest fan

      America's biggest fan

      Dante banned everyone, now he will play alone on the server.

  4. billdroid


  5. nice
  6. Bold claim that rabid and goat care about the server and make it better. 2 obese shutins ruined the server for so many people. Those two actually brainwashed smooth brain idiots into allowing them to have so much influence on this server back in the day.
  7. Yeah well I’m not and my point still stands
  8. Yeah once again, “senior staff and development team” only half of them voted on it some didn’t even know… making up problems out of thin air and taking huge steps like this without ever even giving a video or submitting an AI is unheard of and just an overall horrible decision. Doing something like this to people who dedicated thousands of hours towards the faction on a whim is crazy work. The blame isn’t solely on you but also “senior staff and dev team” for letting it happen.
  9. Try to avoid stats or numbers they hate that
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