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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. if i delete these 2 files will it fuck up my games?
  2. remove vans at feds or allow us the right to blow them up.
  3. bring back Boonk Gang and unperm my boy @Ludde we bullied cops 24/7 boonk gang whole lotta gang shit
  4. thats literally what prime did and that worked out to their favor but it didnt help the other gangs
  5. exactly, place the BW HQ further away, i can see droids lining up for another push!
  6. u act like we dont want to do a BW.. majority of the time we head to BW all the walls are knocked down by ur droids. not to mention the gear in there is shit.
  7. Damn u act like were all @rp slayer knowing our "surroundings" besides, where is @Haiwood when he can work his magic on these cop orcas/ghawks
  8. what i dont understand is why u need 3 players to restrain a cop. IMO you should revert it to how it was, u taze a cop u can restrain him. None of this shit where u need 2 slave niggas following u around just to get cop loadouts.. this picture above represents me when i taze a cops..
  9. to make u feel better, i failed the first question. never have i ever got moved out of the channel so quick in my life.
  10. best combat log joke ever @Haze
  11. @majestic @Zahzi better step up ur game.
  12. https://gyazo.com/3422cc3edc9356cc51016a85d8baeee4 @Buffalo Bill
  13. what are u talking about? all the admins are like god tier players! (pls unban me)
  14. if u wont let me watch netflix, i wont let u watch anything!
  15. Peter Schlong. The only nigga to host gang wars.
  16. N7Zero


    Evlawn blink twice if u are in danger!
  17. *takes his shit hat off*
  18. i didnt ask for ur opinion, stfu.
  19. to the people who dont know @DeadPool. this is a picture of him
  20. i like how this topic went from "olympus steam group" to Google vs Trident..
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