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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. here is a new feature: bounty hunter must choose 5 players on the wanted list (this is chosen at police HQ), once they have tazed and restrained a player on their "target list" they are able to send the player to jail and earn the reward. If they taze and restrain a player that is NOT on the "target list" then they cannot send the person straight to jail. everytime they send a person to jail 1 slot opens again so if you send 2 people on the list to jail then they can choose 2 other players on the wanted list to the "target list" if the "restrained player" combat logs and NOT on your "target list" you will still get the money. however if he IS on your "target list" you will get the reward and an open slot. for every vigi teir the "target list" slot will be increased by 5 so at tier 3, the vigi can pick up to 15 wanted players on their "list" The vigi will not have access to the wanted list so the only way they will know is by checking it at police HQ. The vigi can remove players off their "target list" but they must pay a fee (e.g. 50k) A vigi can taze and restrain a random person take them to police HQ and check whether this said person has a bounty. if they have a bounty higher than 75k they can put him on the "target list" and send his ass to jail (at vigi outpost). this is just an idea i thought on the top of my head so it could be improved but hopefully this will give an idea instead of u lil shits crying about it on the forums.
  2. ExpressVPN was nice, i could watch NA TV shows, too bad i cant watch it while doing my runs cuz the ni..... @Dante didnt allow it. "We are not whitelisting you for your netflix needs. Bruh. No." -Dante 2018
  3. hmm it seems this thread is heated.. i'll add my version of heat. KrispyK you are one dumb cunt. i want to call u a ni.... but @Dante will ban me again.
  4. Olympus edited the MK14 to which they have a highly reduced recoil, atleast that's what i see..
  5. yeh fuck off u squid head lookin ass.
  6. if that's the facts then why do some admins/support team members (not naming names) say its ok to shoot tires then engage.. is this a new rule that u all agreed on just now? or some rule only you agreed on and not all staffs know about?
  7. what if i shoot his tires, i then hide behind a wall, text engage him, then kill him. would i get banned?
  8. this mans straight smoking the fattest crystal DOINK ever.
  9. i have a Nokia brick so i have no internet access. i spend my time reading books next to a nicely lit candle. oh i also go to bed by 7pm after CBBC
  10. i'd neck to be on the billboard after @Strugglebus cut me out of the last gang wars
  11. it ok, you can keep doing your salt runs. we wont judge..
  12. bandwagon?? nigga u smoking crystal doink? its called showing respect. i swear i lose more and more brain cells reading your comments..
  13. Sometimes the funny ones usually are the ones who deal with depression. They become so emotionally detached to the point where they don't want others to suffer with depression. Hence why you think he "seemed to be happy". trust me, it takes one to know one.
  14. Best meta-gamer on olympus.. (not going into details) Will be missed @Sociopathic
  15. ur actually retarded search up "doink" and shut the fuck up.. u type of people trigger the shit outta me. fucking attention whore lookin ass.
  16. legit a crackhead smoking crystal doink headass. PLS...
  17. vpn?
  18. big hacker man. +1 peter schlong!
  19. idk google... BW are a bunch of rats.. cant trust those backstabbing cheese nibbling headass's
  20. he's asking if they are duped or not.
  21. what is a sport?
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