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LULA 2022 - PT 13

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. I'm going to be real, the ERT idea was good but whoever thought of organizing it like this was smoking crack. People have been clamoring for Cpls to have the Type 115 and for POs to lose the CMR, the ERT license would have been great for that : removing the CMR from non-ERT POs, giving ERT POs the tier 3, and adding the vintage gear shop to ERT Corporals. Even then, the price of the licence and the equipment should have been revisited to be higher, and the things each rank has access to should have been more limited because suppressors at the Corporal level make no sense and you can see that SAPD were going to benefit more than anyone else. Another interesting idea would have been giving Corporals some modified armor for pushing big fights (think up-armored pickup) and maybe access to the Orca outside federal events instead of a papier maché heli with flares. Like often happens, an idea that could have made the Jr APD stronger while keeping things balanced was utterly mismanaged because some seniors couldn't resist the idea of giving themselves cheap new toys and buffing their ranks at the detriment of the rest of the server and the faction. Make no qualms about it; within a week all SAPD would be running around with that shit leading to an inevitable nerf or removal, and senior is an utter money printer to the extent that some of the richest players on the server are career APD making millions a day with expenses of a few 100k.
  2. And they say roleplay is dead


  3. On 26/01/2025 at approximately 1514 patrolmen assigned to the Pyrgos precinct observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed.

    A traffic stop was initiated, and the occupants of the vehicle, including two murderers, were apprehended without resistance.

    A search of the vehicle led to the apprehension of two stolen APD tasers and one illegal machine gun.



    APD - Committed to the community

    1. Harve


      Congrats on .15 KD with 2.2k hours

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Being a career cop with no game sense will do that to you

  4. Always record, this goes double if you're part of a whitelisted faction. It's not about reporting people, but if you record, unless you're outright rule breaking or being extremely reckless a counter-recording with some grey areas is enough to dissuade most players from taking administrative action.
  5. Closer to a medical alert bracelet tbh
  6. Def, a lot of the cheating accusations would be disproven by a kill cam. Still, there are some groups and some players who are sketchy as hell even if most cheating isn't.
  7. @ -dante- has been kicking around the server for close to a decade at this point. When I was Jr APD in 2017 he would consistently play with everyone and listed to their grievances or ideas despite being a sous-chef and the norm being closed channels. As a staff member he was always one of the most accessible ones to the point where even if you had a very stupid rules question he'd explain it without judgment. Luckily I haven't dealt with him in years because I follow the rules 95% of the time, but despite having a golden ticket to retirement he came back, is one of the most active staff members and actually gives a shit. I disagree with his opinion and his judgement from time to time, but no one can say he's not competent and motivated.
  8. The balance is : if you do any sheisty shit with the special gear you can be sent straight to jail by the APD and you are blocked via a script from doing any illegal runs blocking you into legal. Advanced rebel also gives other benefits like special vehicles, an expanded weapons shop, better rebel gear while WPL just gives you a T3 vest and a shitty 6.5 rifle.
  9. Can we get winter altis as an authorized client-side mod from december-february?

    I'm tryna make snow angels

    1. -dante-


      We tried to last year and it caused mass kicks iirc 

  10. How the APD finna be in Kavala with the new muskets
  11. The MP5 is such a vibe it's got me running a sting and enjoying it.

    Good shit @ Lucien  (also plz add the scopes to APD, zoomed in Micro T2 > ARCO)

    1. Rexo


      @ Lucien  Now my Glock needs a switch... I mean a Glock safety Wink Wink ❤️


    2. Lucien


      @ Rexo why stop there lets get some drum mags too

  12. Ever since listening to DJ Love's boiler room set in Manila budots has kind of grown on me as a genre. 

    It's still kind of a post-irony sense of enjoyment and I'd consider it insufferably campy like Ska, but if we're going into over the top goofy techno/EDM I'd rank it over hardstyle.


  13. At approximately 1445 CET officers assigned to the gang task force stumbled across an organized criminal element poaching frogs.

    After a heroic exchange of gunfire two vehicles were apprehended with over 830,000 worth of narcotics, two automatic weapons were seized and one homicide suspect was arrested.

    Altis Police : committed to the community


    1. Larkerz


      theyre just taking them to the Pyrgos zoo! Let them go!

  14. Crackhead gets scared due to waking up in the middle of a shootout between military police and drug traffickers.


    1. gaz


      kav life is rough nowadays

  15. If anyone wants in on the deadlock beta just lmk

  16. I sov's weekly schizopost
  17. It's so fucking unhinged it become good, an avant garde work using the lens of post-irony to critique the effects MMOs have on interpersonal relationships. @ Marcus yk I FW you, but suppressing that modern art piece is bitchmade, that shit was better than when that french dude threw a urinal in a museum and called it art.
  18. 6sPD4jx.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Element_


      @ Milo The Furry APD does not endorse this image

    3. maxg


      gonna sneak this onto the new apd textures 

    4. Rexo


      I am about to add that furrys are sent straight to jail in the handbook. 

  19. None of us were on when you called in about this mythical stolen truck, but we were playing when he informed us of a run with 4 vehicles at mushroom pro before he engaged you. What kind of robber would inform the police of what they're doing before robbing you? He gave up immediately, got the person who was with them to turn himself in and most of his charges were due to property crimes. The guy also gave us intelligence leading to the seizure of 1.8 million in drugs, was chill, and waited in cuffs for half an hour while we re-enacted the battle for COP Keating with your friends at Sofia HQ (who tried to take us hostage too). Also, you guys were all wanted by the time all was said and done, if you had just been nice and civil instead of threatening to demote us from minute 1 we would have probably just cut you loose, like I said Sov, the client chooses the service they get and you do yourself no favors by being belligerent and going nuclear for small stuff. Within 2 weeks I have gone from not knowing you to having an strong dislike of you, I can only imagine how the cops who've been dealing with your shit for months feel about it.
  20. There are no cops in the thread replying to your vague allusions about rule breaks and demotions because it's 1PM on a Sunday and most people are enjoying their weekend rather than getting into circular arguments about the finer points of Arma 3 roleplay law. Your whole antihero shtick has started to affect you deeply. Not everything is a conspiracy, the APD and the world aren't out to get you and most people are ambivalent about you; that is until you start schizoposting about khaballic networks linking the APD to Sr Staff and in-game gangstalkers all working towards the sole goal of screwing you out of your gear and money. Even worse, half the time you start crying about rules, be they on the APD or on the Civ side you don't actually cite anything so it sounds like you're just pulling things out of your ass and hoping the vague threats work in your favor. I'll be 100 with you. I think at times you have some decent ideas for the server but we've never really interacted... that was until I arrested you twice since coming back for the summer. Every time I've interacted with you on cop you have just been so thoroughly unpleasant between the threats of demotion, disputes, raging and smugness that I now understand why someone would camp your house for an hour to acquire PC, I now get why you're a meme on par with Big John and why some of the APD is just downright rude to you. Like I told you, the customer chooses the service they receive, if you didn't make 30 minute conspiracy videos anytime you felt a cop slightly wronged you, or articuled your points with more eloquence than vague allusions to rules you can't cite and threats maybe the APD would be nice to you. You made me lose my multiple month streak of never giving out full tickets and never seizing guns because of just how toxic it was to deal with you, and I've only "known" you for all of two weeks for crying out loud.
  21. Semi-dumb question for @ Lucien  and @ maxg

    Is it possible to add in a function red dot or holo and magnifier combo through CMOD?


    Effectively this set up but toggling between scope magnification would leave the magnifier on or flipped down.

    Also ETA on standalone Peltor headsets?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lucien


      @ LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Here's what the two options would look like. Functionally the zoom would be the same between the two, its just what it looks like regarding the scope would change. https://imgur.com/a/4fSzlPw

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @ Lucien  Personally I'd go with option 1 as it allows for more peripheral vision in the 1x mode while still allowing for a decent sight picture at zoom, but I'd wager it's best to get more people's takes on it lol.

    4. Noble


      slowly, just a reasonable pace

  22. If I leak secret military documents on here do you think we'll get a new influx of players from the media attention?
  23. If you're in the APD I'd like to hear what you guys think about some current textures and whatnot!

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