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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13
Meta requires an exterior factor. Groups work like radios and if someone has an unlocked group within RP you could make it equivalent to joining an unsecured frequency. If no information comes from a discord or outside source your good.
Honestly I think a program to give qualified and deserving POs more leadership or responsibility is a good thing as it might reduce the amount of people rushing to make cpl and raise the level of supervisors. But "units" or whatever the fuck this is, is stupid as fuck. Honestly it feels like if you're just running in a hamster wheel at times, I like the APD too much but I dread coming in on most days because it's boring as fuck and I honestly feel unmotivated and depressed most days I play APD for more than an hour, after 2 years not much has changed and I can slowly feel myself starting to get burnt out. A little professional progression or option to do more unusual things would be fun and help reduce burnout but it has to be implemented in a way that doesn't interfere with the corp rank.
Wasnt there a corp who got demoted for bolt cutting into the fed only for someone else to get away with it not too much later? I think SAPD should be held accountable to a board of civs and OS but with how many admins are in the APD I doubt it would do anything.
Give me a few hours and I'll go back to being the tard we all know and love lol.
I'm a career cop and my loyalties 100% lie with the APD at the end of the day, honestly it feels like all the seniors who were qualified like Rex who made chief at 16 due to an outstanding work ethic or Dante who had served in the military were able to look at these issues from multiple perspectives and find a solution that worked for most of the population, when they left a decent chunk of cops with a lot of life experience and people skills left too, as much as it was a meme @Deputy Dog really was the APD dad because he managed to be harsh, fair and loving all at the same time. That man dealt with my shenanigans multiple times and I can confidently say I liked him enough that disappointing him hurt more than the punishments I'd get when I fucked up, that level of class and skill isn't really seen anymore. At some point in the last few weeks the SAPD moved from being mostly players with life skills, professionalism, love for RP and people skills/leadership to college kids and high schoolers with no major outside skills to give the force and who mostly got there due to either networking, playing cop 24/7 or a mixture of both. I know of some seniors who have openly stated they gave up on civ and devoted all their free time to the PD grind. I honestly love this server and the APD, and there are some seniors who give me hope that maybe everything might unfuck itself in the future but I don't agree with it's current direction or leadership. People always seem to forget that criticism isn't hate, I criticize the APD so much because I love it and want to see it improve. It really makes me sad to see the direction things are going, the APDs become so polarized that the officers who get ahead the fastest are the ones who don't rock the boat and act as yes men to all our policies. I realized a while ago that being the way I am and constantly going against some of the APD effectively killed whatever "career" I may have had but I like it too much to not stick around.
NGL the APD is overpowered but the proposed nerfs wouldn't help since they're pretty misguided. Last week we had a back to back fed then BW and since no seniors came on we got our asses handed to us, on the BW an AT was raining rockets and a hurom finished off the survivors for close to 10 minutes straight. Dep to Cpl is okayish but were still not equipped rules and gear wise to take on most situations we'll face. The main problem people are having with the APD right now is excessive searching/camping of houses, excessive uses of specialized gear by seniors and being on rebels and warzone too much. Most of the issues civs have with us are caused by an overpowered SAPD with no exterior oversight, the attitude of the chief and the newest wave of seniors shows this isn't changing and will get worse as the newer seniors progress and appoint SAPD members to a point where it'll be systemic in about 12-30 months. The SAPD have made it clear they're not budging and plan to keep abusing their power and writing shitty rules unless someone stops them. While a big APD nerf to NLR or loadouts is stupid having a board of OS and the heads of the civ council with the power to step in when the APD gets too powerful or doesn't act properly might prevent these problems from happening as often or spiraling. In most places the police and administrators answer to civilians and governments, a bit more external oversight might be a good idea for everyone.
Mama didn't raise no bitch
Medics report illegal activity to us all the time and I can't recall the amount of medics who have directly led us to a drug bust we wouldn't have gotten without their help. RnR is still dirty, but not as much as the APD.
Yeah but civs have access to much better gear and lethal force. If cops started paying 10k when they died even at feds the APD would get buffed into oblivion, civs don't quit because of the price but if they had subpar gear and only tasers they would. POs would get better guns, armor and probably lethals while deps would get better armor and current PO guns to compete, the 2 waves before lethal and 2 deaths outside redzones would also be reduced to level the playing field.
In Dallas a mass shooter killed 5 cops, within less than an hour the entire area was evacuated and he was killed by c4 strapped to an EOD robot. When a crazy dude also decided to shoot and kill 3 cops and hide in Canada almost all of the RCMP and tons of other agencies occupied the town and hunted him for a week straight. If someone were to kill 9 cops IRL they wouldn't come out alive and SWAT teams from every agency in a 100 mile radius would join the hunt. Even here in Brasil if a cop is killed BOPE goes to the favela and kills every criminal they can find as revenge.
Why is selling Olympus cash not allowed?
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Casimir 's topic in General Chit-Chat
The policy itself is against monetization on an official scale e.g. you donate 1$ get a mil in game. But player to player transactions shouldn't be considered violations since two players selling cash for money isn't within the purview of the server. -
The current conversion rate for mil/usd is close to 1/3 a low buy in is nice but I think it being equivalent to 15USD is pretty good.
KB doesn't need borders, he just teleports wherever he wants to.
It's your ex Civ Rep speaking. Yes, I'm back. - Google
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Google 's topic in Introductions
He was brought on to Renegade as a community manager and managed to do a coup in less than 72 hours, I also distinctly remember him screeching the N word at me and calling me a faggot during a staff meeting because he disagreed with me. Bring him back but seriously don't give him any powerful positions in any factions. -
Is there a problem in Olympus game play?
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Deluxe 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I constantly "protect" legal areas but I get why cops don't want to, just running traffic and protecting diamond I was robbed twice yesterday and got dropped on 3 times. Civs need to show goodwill instead of demanding out services but screwing us over when we help them. -
It all depends on how you want to go about it. After my mom got cancer she decided to almost stop smoking so she started to taper down over a few months, 2 cigarettes a day became one a day, when that became normal it became one every other day and so on to now where it's a pack every 3 months or so. Even tho I can't say it to her face I'm proud and happy for her. If my 55yo mom who's been smoking since 17 can stop so can you.
How Did Everyone Start Playing Arma/Olympus?
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to F U L T 's topic in General Chit-Chat
How are you not a mod/admin by now, even though you didn't dev for the original server you're borderline a co-founder at this point. That sounds autistic as fuck but everyone is autistic and stupid as a noob. -
How Did Everyone Start Playing Arma/Olympus?
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to F U L T 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I bought Arma after reading an article about it in PC Gamer while waiting for a flight, I played the campaigns then fucked around on the editor for a while until I decided to go online. The first server I connected to was Asylum Tanoa (before they sucked) where I learned the ropes and met a kid who gave me enough to get started on Altis, then with less than a few hours in multiplayer I went to Altis where I was robbed on my first run and when the cops came to rescue me an Lt let me bleed out from kidney then started threatening to ban me for fail rp, one of the cops felt bad for me and told me to come here and I did. I fucked around on civ for a few months because I was underage, illegally became a cop, got removed and quit the server, came back and rejoined the APD and the rest is history. It's been a wild ride and in may or march I'll be reaching 2 total years in the APD. It's been a crazy adventure that went by in the blink of an eye but I still wouldn't trade it for the world. -
It really depends on the cop you get and how much RP you offer, I recently processed a Swedish guy after a BW and since he reciprocated we had a good RP sesh with him texting me from jail to say I was one of the best cops he had been processed by lately, had another experience with a Dutch dude where we ended up Talking about University of Amsterdam (the school I wanna go to) and he taught me some Dutch and the difference between Politie and Handhalving. From my experience, most cops are very similar that if you act politely and try to RP we will reciprocate, but we're also human and can have a bad day or other factors affecting our performance. Most civs don't try to RP or do the laziest pseudo RP possible "It's an airsoft gun, It was self-defense, I didn't know, etc" and still expect us to take them seriously and give discounts or pardons, RP and actually try and you'll be treated better. As for the identification thing IDK, in real like they have systems that scan 360 and notify officers of plates with warrants, every shift change officers are briefed on who and what to look out for, civilian reports can provide PC for an arrest and some dude running around with a high power rifle and camo gear will get investigated unless they're in the woods or something. The excuse of "it's just a game" applies to all factions.
APD Handbook Update 2/24/2019
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Pledge 's topic in Updates & Announcements
Idk about the lethal part but baiting a 3/1 is perfectly legal since no one is forcing 3 civs to take someone hostage, by that logic bait car arrests and red zone texts aren't PC for an arrest. -
APD Handbook Update 2/24/2019
LULA 2022 - PT 13 replied to Pledge 's topic in Updates & Announcements
From the hints it sounds like we're getting Corp lethals, honestly I think it's a bad idea and the SDAR system works fine right now while giving a useless mechanic will just increase accidents. From the handbook right now PO's will not be allowed to use lethal force for 3/1, normal events and anything except any means necessary. You bet this is getting abused and people are gonna lethal like Corps when no one is looking, not even considering bugs with lethals auto-loading or a PO scroll wheeling it accidentally, the SDAR system works fine and lethal force for PO's is so rare having to pull SDARs is a non-issue. -
I've been wanting to make a content cop X weaboo skin. Two tone on doors and body with a content cop decal with anime girls on top
I think it's a removal for a set amount of time. Blacklist is for 3 failed consecutive deputy tests If I'm remembering right.
@Hoonter should get a waifu paint scheme hawk before you get an ariana beautiful shirt.