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About King

APD Officer
  • Birthday 07/09/2000

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Woo Back Wednesday
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    Accidental Lethal Hall Of Fame
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Criminal (2/7)



  1. We are cooked @ johnny goose He found all the Mark 1 tasers I was hiding with @ GracieGirl from your house search
  2. It almost like there is an actual problem in the SAPD that people would rather ignore... @ ThatNerdyGuy spelled it out.
  3. God forbid I delete comments with direct insults in them... actually managing the community.
  4. Not to mention a small hour difference in total APD playtime. KING APD TIME 2224 HOURS NICOLE APD TIME 2210 HOURS
  5. Its okay tho @ ThatNerdyGuy .. Its implied....
  6. So me saying "whitelist" in a channel is leaking SAPD information... but screenshots from the sheets and comments on an applications isn't..... Rules for thee not for me.
  7. Crazy... you got free OICs handed to you for removals. Again, go off. Post your hours?
  8. Post your hours then @ nicole Being a night shift police officer, working 12 hours shifts in one of the most dangerous cities in the US, all while taking care of a family member that is on 9 hours a day of dialysis... I was doing just fine. But please feel free to post hours from a holiday stretch. Go off.
  9. It’s been tried. That’s how you end up removed/ retired.
  10. God forbid you speak reason and truth around here @ ThatNerdyGuy ... they might come for your head.
  11. Hey king thank you for spending 30 cents a minute to respond to my ban appeal in Cancun but I thought the rules state I am allowed to tase cops 3 times? Maybe any senior can give some input. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Little Kev  not solo banana and Satan was with me, and let’s be honest clash this ain’t the first time lol, first time getting banned for it 

    3. David Miller

      David Miller

      I won't talk specifics of bans publicly, if you want to make an appeal feel free.


      Rule questions tho, happy to help. Like most things in our rules its vague on purpose. The rules say "don't excessively tase". There is no 2 times its OK but the 3rd oh no its a rule break. The thing staff looks at is the intent. If a player needs to tase twice to run away, all good. If a player needs to tase someone 3-4 times because a buddy is climbing the kav office building to restrain, all good. Once we get above 4-5 it becomes pretty hard to justify, not impossible, but difficult. This doesn't mean 5 tases is the 'limit'. If a player tases twice, and clearly has no intention of moving the engagement forward, no friends in the area, not pushing, not running away, not getting a lethal out, and generally not progressing the situation, its excessive. 

      We tend to be even more strict about tasing cops during Federal events because its done for no reason other than to slow down the pacing of a federal event. The cops cant be restrained, and cops aren't supposed to be engaging random people when dealing with a fed, so not a whole lot of situations where tasing would be nessicary.

    4. Big Boss Fredo
    1. Tommy12


      yeah buddy I'm going to ram that 

    2. stayclaxxy


      currently omw full speed in my hatchback sport with turbo 4 upgrade and nitrous.

  12. Decent , i was legit saying yesterday "Wonder why King isn't an admin yet"

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