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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. are there any tarkov gods that can help me

  2. @Kats 1 billion dolluh club
    poggers :pogchamp:

  3. i am now 20 years of not dying

  4. Ay it’s the holidays, if you were banned for anything minor and can’t play for the break such as RDM/VDM hit up the ban appeals 🙂 

  5. What's it like in New York city?

  6. Looking back at my old comments from like 2 years ago... damn i was a fucking retard 🤣

  7. @Ryan @Zahzi can we have the CSAT wetsuit back and can you put that ugly christmas skin on the green wetsuit


  8. Looking back at my old comments from like 2 years ago... damn i was a fucking retard 🤣

  9. @Ryan @Zahzi can we have the CSAT wetsuit back and can you put that ugly christmas skin on the green wetsuit


  10. Feel like shit , just wanna fight Cap again 😞

  11. I’m 17 now 

    my birthday is today🎂

    I’m blessed to see another year

    I’m thankful for my dad @Secret Agent for letting me try this game out

    there is a lot of wonderful people in this community

    i love playing Olympus I love being apart of the APD

    @Shades @GluxDesigns 

    these boys are the first people I met in this game they helped me learn this game

    they pushed me to do great things on Olympus and I’m very happy I was introduced to yall


  12. lets impeach the owner n give it to @thor

    ryan smells funny n i dont want a smelly owner

  13. cereal first or milk first?

    1. thor



      ur an actual retard if u put milk first

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Sinity just wiping again, Synergy too scared to log on arma 3 zzz


  15. My Plan on YT -  So Right now im gonna be releasing my 2nd  R6 Montage and then hopefully by next week or thanksgiving week I will have an Arma Montage released 🙂

  16. imagine crying about people seeing your email because it was your login for a booter that's been used to deny people internet because they play the same video game server as you

  17. imagine crying about people seeing your email because it was your login for a booter that's been used to deny people internet because they play the same video game server as you

  18. imagine crying about people seeing your email because it was your login for a booter that's been used to deny people internet because they play the same video game server as you

    1. thor


      @HoesMad sorry mate have no teeth left

      go back up benjamins arse mate 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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