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ApacheWarrior last won the day on April 22 2024

ApacheWarrior had the most liked content!


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  1. Anyone want to que some valorant?


  2. Anyone wanna que apex with me?

    1. Onyxcaboose
    2. ApacheWarrior


      gf hogging computer rn ill be on in like an hour and ill send you ts

  3. Thank you to every member of the staff team for giving me another chance and letting me connect to the server
  4. Just give me a chance please @Peter Long ill be in teamspeak sitting in the banned channel if you ever want to talk to me
  5. @draMa i had the whole community vouching for my unban on a post i made a week ago and the post was just deleted and nothing was said about the matter Senior staff team are not even willing to get in a channel and speak to me even though i have so many people supporting me i think i at least deserve that
  6. glad to hear asylum is making a comeback not banned from there admins here just keep ignoring/deleting/hiding my posts great staff
  7. I regret alot of things 

    always be careful who you trust

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Phizx


      16 hours ago, DeadPool said:

      I dont allow ddosers in my gang anyone who cheats in my gang will be kicked this has been well known for a while. I own the ts and have ips disabled from server admin so ddosing will not be a thing in my ts. Lasgsiwtch and they gone. Have a Good day.... I mean Perm

      Yes, because I am very sure that they would admit to lord DeadPool that they are ddosing/lagswitching/scripting. You've got everything figured out I see

  8. Rip avicii youre music will live on 


  9. Is @McDili dead or just ignoring me i sent him a message on march 29 he read it on the 31 and never replied ive sent 2 messages since then and nothing he is my banning admin and i would like to have a chat with him just wondering if hes been busy or something or just doesnt want to talk to me 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Apathy


      what about ur yeast infection??? that's a serious problem...

    3. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      i took bloodmoons advice and made it into beer 

    4. ApacheWarrior


      @DeadPool i cant tell if your just retarded or just plain cant read i dont need to use pulldowns to play this game maybe you do because how shit you are but i dont so stop assuming you know anything

  10. you geek

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DABESTeva


      i know man all my forum rep its all gone i worked so hard man damn i might cry eggs d

    3. ApacheWarrior


      So why mention something when i do it u downvote everyone of my posts and i dont say anything but i do it to you and you bring something up

    4. DABESTeva


      i was just joking idrc about my forum rep

  11. What server is this on
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