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darn fool

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Everything posted by darn fool

  1. How old is the girl in your picture?
  2. The only useful thing I got from this is my fuckin pinky wouldn't be playing twister with itself anymore holding down shift
  3. Who tf is going to give me social security now
  4. This is exactly what I needed to get through my day
  5. I'm pretty sure all @falcon can advise us on is what @hawk's asshole looks like but congrats 

  6. Someone donate 50 dollars in my name. You can have all the in game perks because I don't really play anymore. I just want the channel to sit in because Group #1 isn't very fitting anymore. Ok thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. darn fool

      darn fool

      Oh fuck, I'm 18 now remember? 

      See you in jail boys

    3. GregoV1
    4. silton


      Didn't you quit? 

  7. If you voted would not smash you're still a virgin and don't respect this fine bodied woman
  8. darn fool


    Here I was thinking everyone already knew
  9. Now, I don't have the right to wave my opinion because I'm retired But If I did WTF
  10. Do we really need MORE people going to jail for being a pedophile?
  11. Fuck no lmao
  12. You're lucky I can't edit it
  13. I forgot to mention @Ryan

    You're a selfless man and I hate that

    If everyone was a little more like Ryan then maybe so many of you wouldn't have to play with VPNs 


    Congrats brother

    1. Ryan


      LMAO glad you enjoy the game!

  14. Oh, and fuck you @Mr Majestic
  15. I am heading off to college in August. I was accepted to Missouri University in last month to be a damn fine lawyer. Call me if any of you need to get off the hook (I'm not @ing raptor) @Justi, @CorNfLower, and @CocoisDead are retards. Whoever gave Corn power needs to rethink life, he is too racist. @Dante will be the longest standing chief ever, sorry @OutCast and @Plumber but you both will most likely be dead before he resigns. @hawk I am quite upset that after two terms and 45 tickets I was not considered for Senior Support team, but I still love ya. To all my brothers in seaweed, I bid you farewell. There are too many of ya to @. They gave me a home after I decided to come back.
  16. What did you get me?
  17. No, the last unbanathon produced me
  18. I love you @Arigato We should talk more Hit me up in a few days
  19. My new years resolution is to finally get together with my 8th grade teacher after I turn 18 in 8 days

    What's yours?

    (Whole lotta 8s)

  20. @hawk
  21. Steam won't let me give them money right now

    Probably just gonna jump off a cliff or something

  22. Do you think I made basic paramedic yet? 

    We’ll leave it up to @CorNfLower to decide

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