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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. gaming is expensive...I need to work 2nd job just to play games but then I won't have time to play...fml

  2. ok thanks for the help Hades

  3. am I only one with a warning point?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hades


      It was for that beautiful picture you had set for your avatar back in the day.

    3. JProfessMan


      I have 2. scrubs :)

    4. JProfessMan


      I have 2. scrubs :)

  4. did my stream get deleted from the forums?

    1. drama


      I thought you just removed it. So must have.

    2. Thomas


      Why did it get deleted? Can I put it back up?

    3. Hades


      If something was inappropriate and an admin seen it then that may be why it was removed.

  5. idc what poseiden says i'm getting a i7 5820k cpu to run arma 3 at 30fps

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Thomas


      I also stream while playing and I want the 6 core monster because I don't plan on upgrading my cpu for like 5years... I just want to upgrade the power supply and gpu in the coming years

    3. Thomas


      maybe ill just go with the i7 4790k...k stands for kickass by the way

    4. SumthingsFishy69


      If anything thats what I would do. I have seriously considered buying that one but haven't had the funds quite yet. You will not be disappointed and there wont be any buyers remorse vs getting the more expensive 5820k. And yes it sure does stand for kick ass, as in kicking arma's ass with that 4.5ghz overclock;)

  6. no ghosthawks or snipers or fun for you
  7. did big bad titties i mean adam just post a video of himself getting banned?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. grizzlybear
    3. Big Bad Adam

      Big Bad Adam

      They were texted by Huskers, but what do you expect little MC pussys bitch about any and every rule

    4. Orgondo


      Remember everyone, a text can revoke a ban-able offence, so text before you ram!

  8. pdub op make it 100k and only able to buy it at a special rebel right next to a police hq with virus guarding it at all times

    1. Vancey
    2. Fastik


      10/10 suggestion

    3. drama


      fucking thomas hahaha

  9. why is streaming from obs suddenly giving me terrible frame drops? is anyone else having this issue? can someone help me? are you my dad?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thomas


      4000 and it was doing great and now it will do fine but every couple of mins my frames drop to 10 for about 30secs...real annoying

    3. Thomas


      I want the quality to be as good as what I see in game

    4. Orgondo


      I run my bitrate at 2k and it's quality is clear as day.

  10. cake and bojo are unbanned today...may God have mercy on your souls...they won't

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gucci Mane
    3. Thomas


      they are gonna turn altis life into wasteland

    4. SPBojo


      already done it ;)

  11. He changed his name to the Godfather?^
  12. i upgrade from a gtx 780 to a gtx 980 still getting 20fps...fml...looks like i will be working overtime to save up for a new motherboard and cpu..GG ARMA

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. (BurBan)Stealth


      It's horrible utilization of the cpu / gpu by the game itself. If you already have a decent graphics card the best way to get more out of arma is getting a cpu that has killer single core performance.

    3. partyb0y29


      I had to stop reading after "amd" ;) haha jk but for real i got an i5-4690k not even overclocked it yet and get really high fps 60-70 fps most of the time on ultra

    4. MidgetMuncher


      I get solid 20-30 fps online but when i get on campaign it's like solid 50-60.

  13. can you say GTX 980!!!

    1. Papamunski
    2. QKSILVR73


      still Like my 780 MSI Lightning. but good show

    3. Thomas


      *tips hat at QKSILVR73*

  14. make money while playing Olympus?!?!?!?!........I'M LISTENING
  15. I can tell by your sarcastic undertones, rude comments, and sheer lack of common decency that we could be best friends in no time.
  16. i might not stream tonight because i am gonna be setting up my green screen and fixing some of my twitch settings

  17. Can you kill someone by tazing them too much? Cuz when I go to shoot someone I know its gonna take a lot so I empty half the clip on em. I killed someone last night (rip stabbymagee) was that just a glitch or did I taze him too much? #PO7OP
  18. Hades posted a link a couple days ago for heli training can someone please help me find it

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