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Everything posted by GangPlay

  1. I'm actually fucking dying
  2. Dont forget @Homicide
  3. 100 upvotes on this and I’ll get the Olympus logo tattood on my arm

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GangPlay


      @Grandma Gary how long should I give has to be a by end date to get the upvotes 

    3. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      You not gonna get it make a post not an update this are so easyily hidden 

    4. GangPlay


      I made a post 


  4. oh lord help us all
  5. Do I get a discount???? 9mil
  6. Ive got a dp 25 4 crater
  7. Congrats @Childish don’t pull an sdar

  8. Im fucking dead
  9. 2mil
  10. how much
  11. It was fun while it lasted have fun elsewhere @Mike Pence

    1. Mike Pence

      Mike Pence

      You too bud peace

  12. As @Kyle Lake once told me "If her age is on the clock, shes ready for the cock"
  13. Im not even 17yet so its legal
  14. I now am a little bit gay
  15. gussing that k was meant to be an M XD
  16. Offer
  17. I believe I have completed the ultimate task of being a Perm Adv. Paramedic :lol:

    1. ikiled


      as in you now don’t need to put in hrs and keep the rank, like exemptions?

  18. Congrats @Kyle Lake on being a bigger fag than before :D

  19. I mean Does A free Ass Blasting come with Purchase?
  20. Congrats to all the new corps. But the real question is when is my guy @Homicide getting that shit?


    1. Homicide


      Idk lol never lol

    2. GangPlay


      Your time will come

    3. -dante-


      It doesn’t affect you, you big dumb. My point is that it doesn’t do any positive so it’s dumb. 

  21. congrats @ikiled

    1. ikiled


      Thank you, you career medic!

  22. Selling @Kyle Lake snap 1mil
  23. How I feel about the new corporal picks.... https://gyazo.com/92ece015984510da4163ad8c0d84ff10

    1. Ang3l


      Gotta be quicker than that... /:


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