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Everything posted by Scold

  1. hm p warpoint?
  2. Looking to buy tasers on s2 hmu with prices

  3. Scold


    Cant wait to kill u at weed pro
  4. I heard it’s because it’s mixed with the code for rain so if they remove night they have to remove rain
  5. 1.5
  6. rpk12 taser
  7. Selling RPK12 Taser, gimme offers. Keep in mind that you can buy drums now for em from the war point shop
  8. selling rpk-12 for 1.5
  9. Scold

    WTB Tasers

  10. Scold

    WTB Tasers

    Depends hmu with what guns u got
  11. Rpk taser u offer
  12. Scold

    WTB Tasers

    lemme know if you got stings, mx, and spar
  13. 7mil
  14. @GluxDesigns @Shades hbd to some chill ass mfs

  15. Pm offers or reply
  16. price check on rpk12 taser

  17. https://steamcommunity.com/id/K56i7/
  18. new rebel is dog shit remove

  19. The dream is still alive boys, Lets get her to -100!
      • 10
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  20. take er down, we need more people on s1 and 2
  21. Scold


    welp i'm offically at 0 wtf boys
  22. Scold


    literally said "welp if im the negative might as well go all the way" and now i'm gonna be at 0 like fml
  23. collecting downvotesssssssssssssssss get me to -100 stop upvoting
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