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Everything posted by Scold

  1. i feel like you're fat bru 245 high as hell make it 200 pounds
  2. This some #MeToo typa bullshit
  3. i hope it aint this would be fire smh
  4. can i get mass downvoted too?
  5. Selling s2 dp 13 2 crater
  6. Lets see how he gets more ideas from them now that he betrayed them and stole the gang funds
  7. Pure’s idea came from his former gangmates
  8. 2 2
  9. https://gyazo.com/0ac446bdbe412361cbb06b9e6853fafd four crater next to pyrgos rebel that can be used for moonshine. looking for fair offers for the house
  10. This guy kicked everyone out of his gang and left with the shed after saying he was “quitting”
  11. https://gyazo.com/74ddc1787d5d7bbe71ddbf9554c798b reply with offers or pm
  12. Happy bday to the only chill staff member @Hylos

  13. nah he pulled a ghawk on a van once ion trust him
  14. just put it up for sale on the market..
  15. Buying stings ad mx tasers hmu

  16. Certified Douchebag
  17. How?
  18. Selling 100+ wps hmu

  19. I fucks wit it
  20. looking to buy/get keys to a dp 13 garage if anybody has one, hit me up!

  21. what is erp?
  22. @ChillX
  23. Selling wps 15k each hmu

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