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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. Silver Prius previously owned by gay couple, has unknown white stains on the back seat carpet.
  2. When did tree mass recruit thatsprettygay members?
  3. Shit dawg i needed that sugar
  4. Can i buy that 1 sugar you collected kind sir?
  5. Pass it on nerd I need it cause in big bot
  6. Wtf are you talking about recoil, you never had any headass
  7. I did that b/c i do it a lot when im checking pro's so its more quiet and at that point i was checking weed pro and also returning @Skys pilot coveralls to his house in dp1
  8. mines better tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQGgPMZ5TSY
  9. @Peter Long give him the 29 birthday suicide vests
  10. I hope it wasnt a tier 4 offroad, it would be fat rip for that deputy if it was, mans cant skrrrt around kavala as fast
  11. Happy bday bot @badaim


    Vx > titans

    1. badaim


      thanks kid 


      VX < Titans

    2. monster


      see now you're confusing me because last i checked its only VX < Titans if its opposite day, which it isn't. 

  12. I mean tbh whether or not im banned im on the forums, Also im currently banned because the cop who i broke rules against reported EVEN though i turned myself into him like he requested.
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