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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. "Salt makes your body hold on to water. If you eat too much salt, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the greater the strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain. This can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney disease." Welcome to the community!
  2. Bank Account: $43,318,340 Bet Amount: $30,000,000
  3. Do not use vehicles to run over player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death) Depending on the situation, you can.
  4. You didn't bet the entire bank account. This is click bait. I don't approve.
  5. Status Update?
  6. I don't know who PURE P.K, SPONGEBOB, Scold, or HEYP is. Nor have I ever heard of Reborn, so I didn't find this funny. Perhaps it would have made more sense to put this video in your Discord server instead.
  7. Happy Birthday bro!!!!!

  8. Well it’s official. I just got off the phone with the pentagon and they have decided to send me in. Tonight at 5000 hours I will be airdropping into the jungles of Iran. That’s about as much as I can go in to. This may surprise some of you that aren’t aware of my tactical combat status with the United States government. I’m a level seven prestige two combat tactical operator in the private sector. I’m in the private sector for a reason. The government knew that if a drill sergeant got in my face, things would get ugly. So I’ve stayed private sector. I have trained some navy and air force guys. I stay away from Army and Marines because they run like girls and it’s just embarrassing. Anyways. I could use some prayers. Not for me, but for the Iranian officials that I will encounter. Pray that I have mercy on their souls and I don’t Steven Segal their arms off. Also. Don’t thank me in the comments. I’m not a hero. I’m just doing my job. Delta 6. Going dark. This entire post is a joke/meme. Just to clarify.
  9. Where we dropping boys?
  10. Congrats man. Well deserved. 

  11. o7
  12. Happy Birthday, I'm pretty sure you killed me in Rust lol

  13. San Quentin is in California, not Altis. Nice try nerd.
  14. Happy 151st bday bro

  15. Have a happy and healthy New Year everyone. The decade is over. We lived through Sandy Hook, the song Friday, planking, the end of Harry Potter, Kony 2012, Gangnam Style, The Harlem Shake, the cup song, what does the fox say, an airplane disappearing, the ice bucket challenge, that one blue and black or white and gold dress, racially diverse emoji’s, same sex marriage becoming legal, Harambe, Pokémon Go, Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning an Oscar, Vine shutting down, a solar eclipse, a false missile warning in Hawaii, two royal weddings, the first photo of a black hole, the end of Ezio’s trilogy in Assassin’s Creed, and Skyrim. It was an interesting decade, and 2011 was a great year for gaming. What part of the 2010's did you find memorable?
  16. @ThatNerdyGuy Plz disable her betting indefinitely, k thx bye
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