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Everything posted by stubbz

  1. I don’t have it in me for some long winded post but thank you to everyone who has contributed to the many years of enjoyment I’ve gotten from the community and Arma as a whole, those of you who grew closest know who you are and thank for the memories made.

    Im sure I’ll still be around to chat and wish everyone the best,


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Welshy


      Had some great moments with you, Hopefully you'll be back one day, Take care mate, all the best in life.

    3. Lucien


      o7 bro let me know if you need anything

    4. Hazardous


      take care of those dogs & live life! 

  2. 100%, he will come back in 3 months "Sorry everyone @ Milo isn't the only scammer here, thx for the erep."
  3. o7 man congrats @ Rexo
  4. B1D
  5. stubbz

    o7 Apd

    o7 buddy glad you'll be sticking around.
  6. @ ThatNerdyGuy You really sent this man off the rails last night.
  7. The thing being is I am absoloute dog shit and do half decent at the majority of the events im at, on top of that I 100% agree that there should be a major buff to the APD even if it is only for federal events because it would add more enjoyment and challenge for everyone. Weather it is upgraded armor or weapons something would defiantly help.
  8. Skill issue, It comes down to the person because i continuously look forward to logging onto cop to fight feds because there is no other action
  9. 2x Mk1 - 1.5 a peice
  10. Congrats buddy!!

  11. stubbz


    Gonna miss you buddy o7 hope to see ya around.
  12. stubbz


    o7 man
  13. o7
  14. everyone will bring titans and send 3 at the first hawk
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