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Everything posted by Pablo_Escobar

  1. Pablo_Escobar

    WTB Taser

  2. 5 more days :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Destruct is super toxic smh

    3. hawk


      27 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      Destruct is super toxic smh


    4. CIA JOSH
  3. your forums account isnt even 2 years old
  4. There's still a chunk of people that want a change in the quilin/prowler situation. If the people that represent us won't try to make a change then we need new representatives.
  5. thanks for the downvotes :lol: @I’m Pablo Escobar 

    1. Mozehh


      just trying to make you feel loved brother

  6. the new life rule
  7. wish i could be unbanned for this
  8. no me
  9. Devs can do anything trust me
  10. I’m not giving suggestions to you grego.
  11. 1. Saying no doesn’t explain anything 3. Are you forgetting the amount of people that don’t record
  12. 1. Bring vermin’s and no tiers back 2. Make vigilantes on-duty have to drive a vigilante car with a recognizable car skin 3. Get vigilantes to read the rules somehow
  13. Anyone have any games that they would like to recommend?
  14. What hawk said
  15. Got a perm for NLR, may get unbanned but probably not. Once I get my appeal sorted out I'll be making an official o7 post.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Have we gotten to the point where we have pre-o7-post-finality status updates?

    3. Pablo_Escobar
    4. codeYeTi


      y i k e s

      A real Olympian makes an o7 post then reneges on it an comes back. Everyone knows that.

  16. @Dante can any admin deal with this or is this a web developer thing?
  17. I’m taking a senior year, other than that u right. How’d you know??
  18. Good work Nerdy.
  19. I am staying in school.... got 1 more year till I graduate.
  20. @Downvotes Whoever you are, you joined the forums 2 minutes ago and; Creating alternate forum accounts for the intent of down-voting, up-voting, toxic posting, etc is not allowed
  21. Grammar 101, @Jamareh Daviss you should probably get past elementary school before you start playing games like ArmA.
  22. @Ronin Is a pussy bitch. Comments on my own status update talking shit and then continues to talk shit. When I tell him to get off my profile he gets all his friends to downvote my posts. Honestly how much of a bitch do you have to be to recruit your friends to downvote my comments. @Benjison @Eden @Ronin ruining my reputation after you randomly talk shit to me when I don’t even know you. https://gyazo.com/b83ef07c7d65a9c2d72624d2387452b7 https://gyazo.com/4766f9b5cc0c201c60e1cd015a9fd4c7 https://gyazo.com/00e2294f98a67b940738742c8236a57a FUCKING BULLY
  23. thanks for down voting all my posts babe (get the fuck off this page)
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