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Everything posted by Gaetano

  1. ill buy all the tasers
  2. 2.6 for the mar10
  3. side side to side u god damn n word
    1. monster


      no one cares, @Xlax get this greaseball out of here :Kappa:

    2. Gaetano


      Teach me how to sit in kav all day and boost my kd

    3. monster


      its easy, no tags, no gang, kos especially if vigi.

  4. Gaetano

    WTS mxm tazer

  5. Make an offer bb
  6. lmaaao
  7. Gaetano

    mx tazers

    ill cop a few
  8. snickers
  9. get memed on
  10. yeah ight ill be on in a bit gotta beat the fuck outa my shit first
  11. I cant read but is the mk still for sale
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