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Everything posted by Civak

  1. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    Here's what's left. 1 P90 Taser + 10 mags 1 Black Heli Crew Helmet 4 NATO Berets
  2. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

  3. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    I'll do 8m for MXSW, 3 SPAR-16S + 22 mags, and 3 Mk-1.
  4. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    already robbed Soulz 5 times since he got it dw
  5. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    well you see I'm trying to get corporal now so............................
  6. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    Jan 9, 2019
  7. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    http://prntscr.com/mm2deq http://prntscr.com/mm2dmc http://prntscr.com/mm2dsv
  8. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    yeah we know you never pull anything bigger than a normal MX sold all 3 T5 vests, only have a T4 left
  9. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

  10. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

  11. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

  12. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    MAR-10 sold
  13. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    2.85m for the MAR-10 + 13 mags
  14. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

  15. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    Sold a few things. Here's what's left. 1 MAR-10 Taser + 13 mags 1 MX SW Taser 3 Mk1 Tasers 3 SPAR-16S Tasers + 22 mags 1 P90 Taser + 10 mags 1 T4 Vest 1 Black Heli Crew Helmet 4 NATO Berets
  16. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    @MAV I know you like some of this shit
  17. Civak

    [WTS] Cop Gear

    ok just for that Selling LIEUTENANT SHO's Mk1, T5 vest, heli crew helmet, and sAPD uniform
  18. 1 MAR-10 Taser + 13 mags 1 MX SW Taser 3 Mk1 Tasers 3 SPAR-16S Tasers + 22 mags 1 P90 Taser + 10 mags 3 T5 Vests 1 T4 Vest 3 sAPD uniforms 2 LT uniforms 1 Black Heli Crew Helmet 4 NATO Berets PM offers
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp


      Plague will wipe ur shit gang any day retard.

    3. Civak


      hoonter doesn't play civ nice try @Drippp

    4. iPopsicle


      This gave me a chuckle lmao

  19. ok
  20. 5wps/mag
  21. Originally from NJ and I can definitely say Cracker Barrel is where it’s at. Edit: And Perkin’s isn’t too bad either
  22. @Nathan @SPBojo
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