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Everything posted by Civak

  1. Civak

    WTS AT Offroad

  2. o f f e r
  3. yeah hmu
  4. it's not like federal events are somewhat dependent on skill, something the APD clearly lacks
  5. the "conversation" would be sAPD telling civs to "get more people" and "just buy a titan" this has already happened l m a o
  6. Civak


  7. thanks for the input
  8. 5, 5, 2-2.5, 4-5
  9. Whoever said they raised the Blackfish price to 3 mil did you just see that in-game or?? btw the obvious Blackfish counters that I haven't seen anyone post yet: repair anti-air zoom under the bf as it's landing and blow it up (some CPLs already do this one!) scout plane (what goes up must come down) load into the bf so the gold truck can't when you get into dome and can defuse, shoot the HEMTT engines out
  10. watch my R6 stream ft. dolphy, t y r o n e, and weaz or die

    1. Skys


      weaz is a shitter 

    2. Joce


      whats ur twitch handle?

  11. if I get to 200 followers on twitch I'll stream a fed/BW


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Civak



      I stopped the stream because of many people screaming bad words.....

      but if I get to 200 followers who cares if it gets banned :D

    3. Civak


      it's oriented toward the cops who need help defeating our BW stack @Matt The Savage

    4. Ryan


      @Civak nah bro I’ll just log on cop and tell them the strats :Kappa:

  12. clash of clans war attacks lmao tune in


  13. come watch the epic clash of clans roleplayers attack in war!


    1. Civak


      i take that back the feds are taking a toll on my clash attacks

    2. CocoisDead


      Where is the stream? hmmm

  14. if ur not getting tases what makes you think you would get lethals
  15. Civak

    WTS Car95 taser

    nice nlr
  16. to be fair bloodmoon, they did PULL a lot of things but still threw with what they pulled landed a ghawk, got it stolen, then spent 35 minutes trying to get it back while losing another couple ghawks and armed planes not to mention PO lethals being authorized at BW against 12 civs while the stolen cop ghawk was AT LEAST 7km from the BW
  17. imagine being mad that owner @Ares who has a chief whitelist got milked for 5 minutes at a fed and a deputy who had FAKs refused to use them and instead took 4 minutes to get to dome with broken legs, only FAKing once he got into dome
  18. no i'm not talking about today talking about the same BW when your ex-dep chief broke wave *although it is pretty insane how you authorized PO lethals when there were 12 people at BW today
  19. po lethals 4th wave in a 13v16 btw
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