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Everything posted by Y A Y O

  1. Kitui only scams Dont bother with him
  2. Someone needs to read the rules uh oh spa get Tio
  3. I have a great respect for people who do what you do 07
  4. Well he’s blacklisted so But then again he’s extremely immature imo banned me from discord after going to kav and wiping prae exdeee
  5. I’m a spoiled kid and my parents buy me video games and in return I do good in school Cant say everyone’s parents haven’t bought them something?
  6. I don’t see me maturing any more in a year Not to mention I want to play the game freely, not waiting with worry for someone to find out I’ve lied about my age. :v
  7. You’re fucking permed why the fuck should I listen to you lol
  8. Or vigis are 14 year olds not accepted to apd because of their age
  9. Y A Y O


    I think that the fucking benches and and weights in jail are hella small and not proportional to the arma 3 player's body Not to mention their benching like 70 pounds This shit is w e a k Lets get some bigger benches and weights ples We need real weights, this is a baby jaiil Fuck your Lite RP shit
  10. Thanks For the ruining the joke
  11. Haha your voice is so squeaky only squirrels can hear your tight ass
  12. Needs players Put your names
  13. 3 shmekekelakk
  14. And infinite waves and kits Dont give me “to simulate a real life scenario” shit because at this point this server is more a and d then rp
  15. Bumperino
  16. 3crater dp25
  17. I wake up at 4:30 to start the grind
  18. Y A Y O


    So your gay? Thats what I got from this loving guys is weird imo your wird
  19. hi, nice to meetcha - sponge bob square pants
  20. Im confused you want lethal mx's or cop mx's?
  21. its just a rotor tap why clip lol
  22. ......
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