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Everything posted by sinister_

  1. I shall be the next KennyS!!! My AWP skills on point 

  2. Sooooooo..... I hear Tree is back? What shitters ;)

    1. JProfessMan


      They're trash man.

    2. Raine


      Absolute scum rather

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Shortly after: Jaeger does a Run and gets kicked thanks to battleEye being unable to keep its shit together. Wouldn't have been so bad if i wasn't Flying...

    2. TheRealKyle
  3. So drunk ass squid got himself a 14 day ban from MC ts and a possible ban on the server..... WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO? lol i hate drinking an playing arma i get so stupid

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      You walk into a police HQ with a $500K bounty and expect everything to be Hunky Dory. Fuck right off then.

    3. Fedot


      I walked into an hq with my STING V2 (Vermin)

    4. sinister_


      why so serious clemenza? it's a fucking video game lol. plus i thought the reason for being cop was RP not money? forgot that must have changed :)

  4. And that is how a true sniper plays KOTH!!! 21-0 http://i.imgur.com/oDZ70Zx.jpg

    1. sinister_


      hell yeah AFC is actually really fun, been really full too lately

  5. Opened my first knife EVER!! So pumped:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matt (Barbosa)

      Matt (Barbosa)

      nice flayshun knife bro. (Falchion is 'Fal-Shun')

    3. JProfessMan


      I call it (Fal-Key-On)

    4. sinister_


      I was so hyped that I didn't know how to pronounce it or even care at that point hahaha I've heard people call it a Falcon knife

    1. sinister_


      Some old school fun RP when I first started playing Olympus.... Good fucking times

  6. Olympus just ain't the same as it used to be :/ miss the good ol' days of Gang Wars. [R] vs [burban] at the airfield on server 1 when [R] stole 2 ifrits and a .50cal from them on server 3. [Tree] (9) vs [MC] (21) fight at cartel island before cartels. [CMF]/[AoS] vs [Tree] all the time at old Sofia Rebel. [POTP] vs [R] all the time..... Oh the feels :'(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hades


      A huge update was just done alittle over a month ago. Since then small things have been added in as well. We have also brought up a Wasteland server. We like to add features but they do take time to code in and get the bugs worked out.

    3. Dustin87



    4. sinister_


      I miss the old map layout the most.

  7. Someone got butt hurt over not getting my 1.7m bounty when I died of natural causes, so they told Grandma, my wife, about it and now I'm sleeping in the dog house for 3 days. Time to think about a divorce....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brennan


      I am sure if someone properly reported Virus, necessary actions would be taken.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      All these problems everyone seems to be having with Virus and nobody records any of it? If theres a problem record and report. Nobody is above the rules.

    4. sinister_


      It doesn't matter it seems. Last time Virus got banned, he was unbanned in a matter of hours.... Weird how that works. But true, more videos should be submitted on him that's for sure

  8. Hey Virus, once again you attempted to take me down and get my bounty, Along with SYMFUHNY, Barbosa, and ChocoChip. and once again you guys failed ;). Just give up already!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caustic1


      well now now.. i did respond late as a deputy and came in the next wave and almost clutched it, when i was last one and 3 of yall were left, i downed two of you with my po7 and restrained one them but GG

    3. Computer


      Jarred, are you talking about at rebel? If so there was never fewer that 4 people untazed. If your talking about at Air HQ right before reset you guys did have all but me restrained. It was funny watching SYMF go full auto on me from 300m out in desperation during the last couple minutes. Still no arrests. GG and fun fights jarred (as well as all the other cops)!

    4. sinister_


      Moob, is MC still a gang?

  9. Sitting AFK in the sky in my LittleBird talking to my love Moob on side chat, get 3 texts from Fedot, gunning from Virus's GhostHawk, get into a chase with them, get shot at by hella bullets, then use my OP flying skills to lose them. GG RIP Police. Can't catch me!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thomas


      Littlebird out running a ghosthawk? Virus you are demoted

    3. sinister_


      it was quite the comical experience haha i thought FOR SURE i was going to be shot down out of the sky... some how i out flew every bullet....

    4. sinister_


      lol Tman, it almost worked. luckily i was present at my desk otherwise i would have been fucked

  10. Incognito mode has been treating my bank account very well

    1. Raine


      It would be even better if you didnt go AFK for 5 hours :/

  11. Stole a Box Truck, went to sell, had 4 BurBan orca's and 1 SS Little Bird show up to rob just me. Feeling so powerful right now!! Godlike!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sinister_


      i was laughing my ass off the whole time IRL

    3. Computer


      I told you to take more showers, you're attracting flies.

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      hehehehe :P Tree's are OP xD

  12. drunk, crashed a orca and bird. talked shit, got lit.... FUCK me. LOVE olympus!! <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fedot


      i dont need alcohol to crash

    3. Anarkhiya


      Poor AoS got the blunt-end of your drunkenness.

    4. sinister_


      haha yeah it was a fucking crazy night for me. found out my orca wasn't even insured... yeah we helped fuck over AoS :P


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wrice4
    3. Fedot


      ATTENTION I'm going to attempot to drown myself,do this at home! you can be just like me

    4. sinister_


      you guys are the shit lol. Let me stand up now, I'm the real Shady

  14. Only one more fucking day of this BS....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PO Box

      PO Box

      Suffering from any Withdrawal effects yet?

    3. sinister_


      yeah man, been so itching everywhere!! need my fix yo!

    4. PO Box

      PO Box

      LOOL hang in there hang in there 1 more day

  15. Trolling Scrubs, getting money

    1. wrice4


      Thought you were banned? lol

    2. sinister_


      doesn't mean I can't troll scrubs still, and take their money ;)

    3. Bacardi


      Being banned is like haveing a withdrawal from herion

  16. I am in Tree McDili . Have been for like a month
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