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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. vedalkenn


    Yo you interested in a 6.5 Suppressor?
  2. vedalkenn


    I've got a 6.5 Silencer if you're interested
  3. Someone help I got tarkov and lost all my gear within 30 Minutes :(

    1. Energyyy
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      that just means your a retard its ok theres a simple solution hol up lemme get it






















      fyi might wanna refund unless u like a grindy ass laggy ass game

  4. I've heard good things about that game, what's your experience with it? You aren't lvl 20 yet and I want to troll in ranked
  5. That's one I've never heard of tell me about it Thanks but the funny thing is I actually have all of these
  6. Now that's a game I can get down to, how much does it cost?
  7. Recently I've just been looking for some new games to try out so if you've got any options please leave them on the thread cause I've got no clue what to play.
  8. Honestly mate you've got a really good point with this, I will not attempt to justify whether what we've been doing is right or wrong I just feel that everyone has their own opinion towards this situation. I myself have enjoyed the past 2-3 Days but begun to realize that's it's just getting increasingly more fucked up as it goes on. He's been non-stop harrassed, doxxed, linked things (I will hold myself accountable for that), and a few more things as well. I will admit that at first, it was very fun messing with him, then I began to feel a bit of sympathy for the guy. He even announced in his discord that he'll be taking the day off due to a Mental Breakdown, and would like to come to the forums to see what this is all about. He may not be the most likable guy or even the smartest on the platform but he still is another human being and feels what others feel. You're right with "he may hang himself because of the harassment" because it is a good possibility, he may struggle with depression and just not really seem that he does by the way he acts. There are many who fear to show they feel that way because they don't want others to worry. But with what we've been doing I've begun to slightly worry about a complete stranger and what he could do because of our actions. At this point, I think it would be a good time to call it quits but I don't think the rest of the community would see it that way.
  9. oh i was talking to Xlax, but ya know you work to well that's good to hear sit in ban channel and hope for a pull in best of luck man
  10. but didn't YOU put in a ban appeal?
  11. williamfraser135 add me so i can raid bigpat
  12. you wouldn't have done any better you would've sat there with a finger up your nose and hoped to get a kill if someone came your way
  13. vedalkenn


    is this the 32 kid from asylum?
  14. I to am a Christian Teamspeak User
  15. Nope, he just chills and yells at me all day pretty much
  16. Googles Banned on Asylum Ski Mask doesn't do anything wrong No clue who tf Derek is You act as if I'm terrified of a ban
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