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Civilian Council
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About Declan

Runs Civilian Council
Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
APD Officer
  • Birthday 01/04/2000

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. PAID ON TOP!!
  2. Paid on Top!
  3. Pop-Up Dealer 10/10 idead!
  4. Happy Birthday, I'm pretty sure you killed me in Rust lol

  5. No problem, Just tryna help!
  6. TeamSpeak! (Click Here) ts.olympus-entertainment.com Discord! (Click Here)
  7. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Dexter12343/
  8. i dont
  9. Why not try to RP more rather than Robo coping people (Not saying you do just put more umpfh in to RPing...) Reeeeeeeeeee XD <3
  10. XD
  11. Or that, XD. And then lose it all and then have to do 50 runs or other methods of getting money that i aint gunna say... (Major Pain) XD <3
  12. Sell your family and hope for the best, Or become Career Medic/Cop. XD And or do about 10 runs a day.... and play like 12 hours a day then sleep 12 rince and repeat whilst population is DED
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