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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. As Gary stated it's been this way since the server started. The server Admins have the test in place so every cop knows what rules to follow and everyone is on an equal playing field. If I'm not mistaken you can take the test again the next day and if you know the answer to the question you messed up on you should pass the next time.
  2. So much RP when you are playing as the news team.

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      "Can I have a lift? I am a bad driver and missed this massive rock and yeah..."

    2. Kingbubbak


      I saw your [Tag] yesterday was [News], but I think it would be much cooler if you set it to [Press]. :P

  3. At this point shittalk is my middle name. Spread love booboo
  4. On News Patrol. Find me on server 1 boys

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Lemme guess. Your personal defense weapon is a Mk 200?

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      and his taxi is the APD Hummingbird

    3. Dustin87


      His camera crew is hostage cops......

  5. Don't worry I'll make this happen. You can watch the cast from the comfort of your virtual home.
  6. A community within a community?

    1. Raine
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      ^What in God's name does this have to do with the OP?

  7. Warfare


    Well technically if you break another rule they can take away de bojo, but that's besides the point. In other news if you are still interested in the community team message me and I'll give you the run down.
  8. Don't worry booboo we are going to bring it back just for you. I have an idea tho...be a bit nicer and actually make me want to have you on. I'm sure behind the attitude and flaming is some solid ideas to improve the server.
  9. Longest time I've spent with a single community.

  10. New overlay HYPE https://www.dropbox.com/s/5mykrg0tzi9ca3z/Screenshot 2015-03-14 03.03.48.png?dl=0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Nah got to copy and pasterino. Stupid forums

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Looks freakin sweet, man

    4. SPBojo


      ahh, now it makes sence... sweet!

  11. Alright new overlay is done and ready to go. We will now be using Skype instead of google hangouts so if you wish to be a guest please have it installed.

    1. Snake


      Already installed!

  12. Warfare


    Sucks that you got perm banned but hopefully you learned from it. Do you have any plans to stay around on the forums or are you leaving for good?
  13. Forgot to post why we didn't do BLTN tonight. Here's the quick rundown.....getting a new graphic and reconfiguring how the stream looks. Also going to be fixing our docs and other some things.

    1. Jorbis


      Looking forward to it!

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Internet's been pretty stable lately. Lemme know of you want me as a guest for the next one.

    3. Snake


      Looking Forward to my special guest appearance.

  14. Don't question it, just accept it.

  15. Give me a second so I can copyright this. No lie we can do a series lol.
  16. At the end of the day I'm not going to let someone on that might cause fights. If I wanted a drama segment the show would be called Real Talk w/ Warfare.
  17. We don't get along and I'm not bringing that hate onto the cast.
  18. We won't discuss the ban drama because we simply don't have all the info/don't want to cause issues. In regards to Burban and MC that's a possibility. Lastly Bill will never be a guest.
  19. I need BLTN topics so drop them on

  20. Negative, you just need to keep looking unfortunately
  21. Going to bump this up to get some more replies/answers on the poll. The way it's leaning it's most likely going to continue on.
  22. I'm wondering if the community still wants the BLTN Podcast. Please fill out the poll with your honest answer. If you truly don't want it back that's okay, but if you do say so.
  23. Should I continue BLTN?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pringle Mccringleberry
    3. Dustin87


      Im starting a similar podcast with crook, so you dont have to but it would be cool if you did

    4. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      We need weekly updates though bro.

  24. What to do now? So much free time....

    1. Dustin87
    2. Vancey


      I don't even know what to say lol

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