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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. One thing you guys need to understand is this event thing is extremely new to me. I have never hosted events before so everything is going to be trial and error until we perfect each individual event. It also doesn't help when you guys are disrespectful or feel as if you should be rewarded millions for events. They are supposed to be for you guys to have fun and the potential to win some extra cash, not a get rich quick method.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hades


      If people want to complain about the amount they win then they can put it on me. I have given Warfare max amounts that can be used for events. If someone isn't happy about a payout then simply don't get into the event. As Warfare stated they are suppose to be for fun not for the money.

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      You're doing an awesome job mate :) Keep it up, there will allways be kids who feel special and feels like they deserve more than others.. Haters gonna hate...

      Just keep on making the servers fun to play on :)

    4. Vancey


      Yes these event are EXTREMELY fun but when us rebs have to use are own loadouts it gets kinda frustraiting if we make like 2k more than the loadout we bought for this event and if we die and get revived there goes 10k, im not trying to say its about the money but the thiin that doesnt make it that fun is knowing you lost money. If you can do some cates and it have mk18 14 maybe 1 200 and katibas were we dont have to buy are loadouts it would make the fun way more know we lost no money

  2. IDK how I'm going to stay awake for another 2 hours for the event...rip http://thou.rip

    1. Big B

      Big B

      So will someone else host it or will it not happen? :(

    2. Warfare


      I'm still awake. Just got some food and an iced coffee. We will be golden.

  3. We might delay the podcast till tomorrow night. Not sure if the event is going to get into the way and I'll be dead after it. Poor planning on my part boys and girls.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Warfare


      If you look at the bottom of the page at the calendar you can find the info

    3. Warfare


      It's okay because I've nee up for 25 hours and when the event starts it will be 27 hours :(

  4. Hades isn't allowed in the RIP zone. It's Hades proof thanks to papa Pastaden
  5. You got ripped on kid. GIVE UP NERD
  6. Don't make me add you to the rip list.
  7. Looks like we lost him to the RIPside
  8. inb4 you get ripped on to hard http://Thou.RIP
  9. It should be obvious by now that I'm the father. If not welp
  10. Let's see some RSVP's boys and girls

  11. Was going to tell you to wait on Steam but you already got it. Honestly if you are playing Arma/GTA on High and getting 60-90 why even waste the money on a GPU?
  12. Appreciate the shoutout buddy....stay frosty.
  13. I'm about to just make a list and not allow players into events that don't listen. If I tell you not to kill that means don't kill. This isn't kindergarten boys and girls.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      isnt kindegarden the place where you worship Potatoes?

    3. SPBojo


      you should actually do that, like a blacklist where you do not allow some people to join events. basically as said, a blacklist!

    4. DeathDingo


      What about that guy at the Jet fighter event in the salt flats ummmm...Grandma something I think his name is, that Titaned Poseidon and made him go down and boom boom baby?? lol

  14. Fill up those servers guys so we can do some events.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fedot


      Prob not the Spawn prob just no option

    3. Warfare


      As Fedot said it's just not possible for me to spawn the weapon in. That's why players bring their own gun to the vip events.

    4. Fedot
  15. Servers need to fill up so we can get some of these new events going.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Last i checked just under the 40 mark. Once it hits around 55-60 we will look into some events.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Nice. Hopefully there are some events tonight. Good job Warfare.

    4. DeathDingo


      Why dont we try them with less people at first so we can see if it shuts the servers down or not and then do them when more people are on...

  16. New update inbound ladies and gentleman. Events are about to be 1000% better.

  17. New update inbound ladies and gentleman. Events are about to be 1000% better.

  18. Can you say Olympus Jet Fights?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Jet fights, armed heli fights, armed water fights, and hmgs are coming to an event near you.

    3. Jorbis
    4. Tman15tmb
  19. Contact senior apd about the issue. It's possible that he lethaled you by accident but I don't see why he wouldn't reply unless he was scared about getting in trouble.
  20. Am I retarded? What are we looking at?
  21. So #BlameWarfare is a thing now. Sorry for the late post I may have forgotten to put it on the forums and only uploaded it to the Youtube. Below you will find the most recent episode where Ham shaves his head and Odin goes beardless.
  22. Took the words right out of my mouth
  23. Before the wipe it was also a lot easier to make mad amounts of money. Just because the gang didn't change that doesn't mean the server hasn't. With players struggling to make money it doesn't help they have to worry about getting robbed 24/7 when all they want to do is pick peaches.
  24. Just request an invite on the gang page and I will accept it.
  25. I'm actually really torn on this. For hostage situations I don't think it's right to add hostage situation if you pardoned the player. However if there request is items then I see no reason to not add it. In regards to a fed rob or jail break it's a bit hard for the cops to add charges during the initial event that's why they get added after. I can understand the new life dilemma tho because technically you are a new man with no charges. I think this will need to be something the staff and senior apd discuss and have a final ruling on it.
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