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Status Updates posted by Warfare

  1. Follow the BLTNPodcast channel if you haven't already. Going live in 5 hours http://twitch.tv/BLTNPodcast

  2. Jumping on the bandwagon. Poseidon best way to contact you is.........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Det. Payne
    3. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      It gets forwarded to him, he checks daily

    4. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Unless he himself has lied multiple times :P

  3. Need to see who is still coming on tonight for the cast and I'll confirm a time for everyone. Let's see if we can't double last weeks turnout!

    1. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      I might be there depending on the time

    2. Virus1


      I am still coming on

    3. Thomas


      I'll cum around midnight...don't know why I told you when I'm jerking off but goodluck with the cast

  4. H1Z1 24 Hour Stream HYPE - Come hangout with me bitches http://twitch.tv/warfareplays

  5. BLTN Podcast Ep #2 Confirmed for Friday @ 9pm PST/12am EST.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Virus1


      I would love to be on mate

    3. HamOfMoose


      id be more then willing to sit in :P

    4. Warfare


      I'll see what dili wants to do about how many people we want on. Currently without a guest there's 4 of us. I think we are aiming to have no more then 5.

  6. 24 Hour H1Z1 stream starts tomorrow at 10am PST. 2nd BLTN Podcast goes live on Saturday around 9pm PST

  7. Cop game on point! Come talk Olympus with me http://www.twitch.tv/warfareplays

  8. Official guests,topics, and suggestions thread is live

  9. Killed the first BLTN Podcast. Huge shoutout to Bubba, Snake, Ace, and Kratos!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poseidon


      Was gonna stop in but had to go to bed early since classes started today, was gonna recommend the topic 'what games should olympus host next', or something similar. I'll try to make it to the next one ;)

    3. Warfare


      Alright it's on the topic board. If you think of anymore let us know.

    4. Papamunski


      where can i get pick up my civ of the week plaque?? lol

    1. SPBojo


      didnt get to see much, but from what ive seen, this seems like a amazing concept / idea :)

  10. Kratos is slacking. Waiting on him to start http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

  11. Finishing up some last minute things then we will be going live http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

  12. Podcast is going down in roughly 1 hour at http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast be ready to chill

  13. Dillpickle is busy playing civ so if it starts getting to late I might host the first ep myself.

  14. Kratos will be joining us on the podcast tonight. Going to see if we can't get another special guest for you gents.

  15. Figuring out what time we want to go live. Will post an update when we know more.

  16. Waiting to see if Mcdili wants to do the bltn podcast tonight. Ladies and Gentleman we might be a go!

  17. Got 2 overlays made for the podcast. Going to see which we want to run with and maybe do a test cast tonight?

  18. Who's good at graphics and can make something for the bltn podcast?

  19. We will be streaming the BLTN podcast as well as uploading it on Youtube. You can follow the stream now http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

    1. Papamunski


      did i miss it? lol

    2. Warfare


      Some people were wondering where we were going to do it and this was just an update for it. Deciding if we are doing it tonight or not.

  20. Alright let me clean then I'll stream. Thinking CSGO then some Arma

  21. To try and get more cop hours then I have on civ.....hmmmm. survey says?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dustin87
    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      Agreed. Stream or don't try it

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Bruh. I've only been with the department for a month and some change. Here are my numbers.

      Civ: 4054 minutes

      Cop; 7108 minutes

      I can't wait to get back and put more on the books. To me, cop is way more fun than civ.

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