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Everything posted by Drippp

  1. This kid is the biggest fuckin Retard ever, but it’s a game, and a dying one at that unban the man
  2. Items left: 1x envg 1x dms 1x at off-road

    idk what im doing

  4. I can do it later tonight or tomorrow if you’d like
  5. Kid get off my damn neck I was a god at EFT so good I had to retire, got bored of running laps around kids with FourTwenty
  6. He’s from the south not like it’s unusual that they fuck their daughters
  7. Ur 50 and still play arma, get some grand kids or some shit loser
  8. Don't have much time to play anymore so I don't think I will be needing these. pm offers Everything shown is for sale https://gyazo.com/84743c71b7b54e7e15825a456608e606 https://gyazo.com/24987cf9548fb0096cbf42c8e1679140
  9. Damn they really do let anyone be dep chief 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxg


      i know right @hawk is such a shitty chef :wub:

    3. hawk


      1 minute ago, maxg said:

      i know right @hawk is such a shitty chef :wub:


    4. Drippp


      Yeah hawk sucks 

  10. Drippp

    Selling shit

    How much for mar 10 ?
  11. bank of altis btw:Kappa:

    1. NexIV


      Probably sometimes next month tbh. Or 12 units

  12. These guys can push over and over without any risk, they can have armored helis with the capabilities to shut down any fed event but still lose. And when they lose they need a buff, if they can’t figure out why they are losing and have to resort to buffs it’s pretty sad tbh.
  13. We don’t have to imagine we won 20 in a row against your dogshit corps and sapd that can’t get kills omeglul
  14. Drippp

    Selling DMS

    Alright if this is a serious offer then I can get it to you tomorrow
  15. Drippp

    Selling DMS

    How long does this pass last? Lifetime or a server restart? This is very important info
  16. Happy birthday @Zurph hope you have been holding down the bbq 

  17. Drippp

    Selling DMS

    Selling DMS, best offer gets it. https://gyazo.com/f8f9a1e88eded7f712d47e104a170f3d
  18. I don’t even design but I could open up Microsoft paint and make better shit then you. You are dogshit at designing and need to stop. Go roleplay in cop channels some more retard
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