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D Ganja

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Everything posted by D Ganja

  1. Hands up or be tased vigilante SCUM
  2. 2.750 mil
  3. There's a lot of aids in here. Why didn't the cops just put their hands up? Especially if they admit to already being engaged with these guys. Although it does seem clear what the intent of suicide vest dude was.
  4. 1.5 mil
  5. Hands up or be tased
  6. D Ganja

    WTS things

    yeah im down ill be on tomorrow if you can hold it if not thats cool smoke weed SEAWEEEEEEEEEEEEED
  7. D Ganja

    WTS things

    how much would you sell the vest for to a fellow praetorian?
  8. did anyone win civ rep yet ?

    1. SPBojo


      Nerdy & Matt The Savage

    2. D Ganja

      D Ganja

      gross thanks tho. 

  9. how much storage?
  10. damn this house really gets around. ill offer 1.5mil
  11. you a homie. 26 here
  12. post a picture of the dude from his graduation
  13. yeah makes sense civ should be robs or cartels or killing swarms of cops.
  14. cop clips are cool if it's a fat bust or multiple tased. I love salty clips they're awesome too. like killing or arresting a dude and recording the salt.
  15. sure I'll bite 2mil?
  16. next time were on let's have a freestyle
  17. are you still selling your s1 house ?
  18. I'm still looking for run Houses on server 1, doesn't matter which material just hmu with what you got I'll offer
  19. +rep paid first
  20. i got 2 for sale 1mil each
  21. server 1?
  22. sorry I also meant to say for server one it's Monday lol but yeah lay down what you have I'll throw some offers
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