The reason people said you're on a high horse is because you refer to everyone as children. This is a COMMUNITY, not a day care center. We're not children, but rather a significant portion of a community, which is supported by donations. While donations don't mean you get to pick and choose what you want, its common sense that if the leadership does things that the community doesn't like, donations will drop. In the end, money talks. Some of us have been around for way longer than November 2016. Some of us have been with this server for 2 and a half years.
We have every right to be frustrated when a server, that we've spent so much time on, all of a sudden has such a radical change that appeases many of those that just hop between servers, depending on how the wind blows.
I have not been robbed on cop for over 2 years, because I play smart. I'm never in an area by myself, and the few times I have been outnumbered or tazed, I usually have back up that is several seconds away that comes in to save the day. The fact that I got robbed twice in 20 minutes just a few days ago is very telling. I pull out of Pyrgos HQ with another officer, instantly get engaged by campers, and I LITERALLY have no place to go because the roadway has walls on both sides and no cover. Get tazed, restrained, and robbed. A few minutes later, I go into Pyrgos to help out 4 other officers. Lo and behold, 11 god damn people of multiple gangs just running around and robbing cops. Best part is, they don't get charges unless APD outright adds the charge, because tazing someone doesn't add anything.