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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Switch servers, it might not be bought on the other server. Message admins when you're in game. Get a buddy to pull up to the window with a truck so you can "crawl from the window into the truck"
  2. You literally answered his question with his question, except in the form of a statement. I'm pretty sure he's asking what the "RP being performed right" is. I'm not an admin/mod but I'll put in my 2 cents of what I'd consider good RP with the cops that won't get them salty. You need to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that you have an explosive or suicide vest. You need to tell them that if at any point they do something suspicious, you will set it off, killing yourself, any hostages and any officers around you. Everyone in the area needs to know whats going on, and you shouldn't do it in an area where you might kill people that aren't a part of the situation. For example, don't do it in Kavala, but if you did it at the church by the air garage, I would imagine it wouldn't cause problems. From what I recall, suicide vests were being used almost randomly with a lot of collateral damage. Houses would get destroyed, people not in the situation would be killed, and then the person blowing the vest would be banned for RDM. It's the same idea about terrors. Some people don't want to be involved with it and therefore are given 5 minutes to leave the area or risk being killed.
  3. You still gotta watchout for @Bubbaloo Burrito. That asshat locks down threads at the drop of a taco.
  4. Like Dili said, try to RP with them as possible, but if they're ranting for a couple minutes breaking rp and won't let you talk to them, just robocop them and go through basic LIST. If they're going to be a little bitch, treat them like one. At least by robocopping, you're not breaking RP (just giving really shitty rp to a person who isn't RPing anyway).
  5. So I win the $1mil prize?
  6. Happy birthday @Fat Clemenza

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Uhh my birthday's on 9 November...

    2. Lucki


      Sorry, must have confused you with der Führer

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Ah yes. Hitler was born on 20 April. 95% of the stoner population probably doesn't know that. 

  7. Thats a different problem. A lot of players (mostly PO's and deputies) are afraid to RP. They get so worried about not breaking the handbook that they don't go very far from it. Usually the difference between a corporal and a PO is someone that is capable of using the handbook for RP instead of RPing the handbook. I would very rarely expect any decent RP from a deputy because they're too preoccupied with trying to show that they know the rules and handbook.
  8. I really want to know if this was actually approved by the admins...
  9. Came back from Mexico a couple of hours ago... I'm now engaged! 

  10. The deputy training would not be adequate enough to evaluate someone. As was said, anyone can act appropriately when being watched. All it takes is one underage cop to get butt hurt over a game and ruin it for a bunch of people. As was said, APD access is a privilege, not a right. It doesn't matter if it's not "fair", because life isn't fair. Be happy that there is still a route to join, even if it is harder. Prove that you're worth it.
  11. Easiest way is to be active on the forums and join a fairly prominent gang. Once you've been around for a while and have other prominent people vouching for you, we may reconsider. Its a simple fact that maturity often correlates with age. A majority of 14 and 15 year olds lack the social and personal maturity to be on a white-listed role. Olympus has been around for a while and more or less has a stable position among the altis life servers. This is because of the rules that we have in place that ensure that the majority of players will have a good time playing on Olympus. We'd rather have a couple of unhappy 14 year olds, than risk one 14 year old ruining the the experience for a bunch of other older (who also donate) players. Not going to lie, whenever I hear a squeaker I kind of roll my eyes (and I know others do also) because a majority of the time we can expect them to be sub-par with their RP and behavior. A lot of 20 and 30 year olds don't want to be caught by cops that have their voice break every time they say "APD hands up or be tazed"
  12. I understand you guys don't want people carrying a bunch of epi-pens... but 10 to 15 weight? Seriously? For a kit that weighs like half a pound IRL and is in a box the size of a graphing calculator? And I like Muthinator's idea. Make it cheaper, but more expensive for the dopamine. It will rarely ever get used if there's a good chance that the person is going to die again and 60K was lost. Regardless though, heres an add-on idea: Epi-Pens grant increased health (similar to the SWAT idea) but only for a short amount of time. This would apply to those that used them while still alive, and not those that were revived. After the timer is up, the person's stamina max's at 50% until treated by a hospital or medic.
  13. Finally! We might actually get a decent pilot in the sAPD with the new opening. And before you ask, yes I'm salty for not even getting an honorable mention.... Millimeter Peter. But if I have to say something nice, I will say that your crazy comms (which are more AIDS than Mobundo's condoms) and your ridiculous but great ideas will be missed. o7 Also, this:
  14. RIP Player Stats: https://gyazo.com/7e8372e9d0d8b896f0867ba6058dda57

    Is there a spot we should be reporting this to make sure that Poseidon actually knows?

  15. Congrats on Admin, @McDili

    1. Lucki


      Guess they just give it to anyone nowadays, huh? ;-)

  16. Can we get an official word from @Poseidon or @djwolf. Does the whole "not dying from thirst while restrained" thing still work? I've heard differing accounts. Some people claim they died while restrained due to thirst, and I'm not sure if they just used the escape button.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dejay


      It is arma, gotta remember that lucki.

    3. Lucki


      Yeah, but the no thirst / starvation was coded in by poseidon at one point. Im just wondering if it's still a thing or if it's broken 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I believe you cannot die while restrained aslong as a cop stays within so many meters of you.

  17. +1 because of your signature.
  18. The only issue I have is when I see a medic a few hundred meters away, but not really coming towards me. Sometimes I don't know that my body is being camped, and it'd be nice to get a pm saying "sorry, I just got here but I've been told to not revive you." We also don't know if a medic is hostage, and players might get annoyed if they've waited 10 min and don't realize the medic is literally unable to come. Way back when, when I was a medic, if I got taken hostage, I would say in side chat "medical services are being suspended due to being taken hostage" or something along those lines, just to let the entire server know that it might be a while.
  19. Are you kidding? I'm gonna be selling huge lots of lithium and phosphorus.
  20. -1 for using Adele. +1 for creating something that allows us to create our own economy. +1 to avoid getting neg rep from others. Total: +1 (I'm still going to get neg rep for this anyway, most likely, LOL)
  21. Maybe you should be a little more tactical about it then, and only open the doors when you really need to? A person hopping out of a closed vehicle and being able to shoot instantly makes a ton of sense... /sarcasm
  22. That's not a fire-hazard at all with all that cardboard... Why don't you just move your server rack to a different part of your house?
  23. GEARCOIN: TTH GEARDICE: 1-4-3-2 CCCC: 8 DD20: 20 PB: 014
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