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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. abusive admin, olympus plz fix

  2. Oh here you go, I have a solution. Why dont you just get off the forums and never come back, that way you dont have to try to wrap your tiny brain around the stuff that happens here. Im sorry I play a video game and have fun, No seriously MY BAD. Next time ill make sure to get your full support before I ever think of having fun again. I understand it can be difficult being in a constant state of idiocy and retardation but nevertheless you fight through. DONT LET ANYONE KEEP YOU DOWN AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!
  3. Yeah they do get removed, blacklisted, etc. This rule is legit just in place so people dont do STUPID things on PURPOSE while on these factions. Thats it lol. If you add 37 aiding in BW charges and then send someone to jail, you are getting banned. If you forget to call out that you are searching a vehicle, you will not be banned. Simple.
  4. The guy above is getting a warning point

    1. Ryan


      Damn you hard baited him

  5. Yes Papa











    Ryans holding me against my will, I have a gun to my head and am forced to read this off a piece of paper. SEND HELP

  6. Because otherwise you can just argue it wasn’t stated in the rules because it wasn’t. Now we can reference that when retards act like retards. It’s a pretty basic change. I would go into more info but not exactly sure if that would be leaking staff info but I’m sure you can probably figure out what situation I’m referring to
  7. Dont really know that situation. I think you kind of took me the wrong way, I was just explaining the purpose of the rule change. I cant speak for past staff members but I can say that I think if people were being banned just because they were "controversial" then I would hope some of us would be competent enough to notice. (If brought to our attention of course)
  8. Its really for people who do stupid stuff that they know is against the rules. So if you just do something small on accident while on cop, chances are you arent getting banned as long as it isnt against server rules.
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