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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. I remember that event lmao. I got legged instead of dying like everyone else Note: how tf did you only get an hour ban after all that
  2. You forgot George Bush sneaking in and taking your oil
  3. Yet somehow you have managed it many times
  4. I think I might’ve started watching this but not sure
  5. Anyone have some like underrated movies that you don’t think get enough credit? Mine is “The Great Debaters”. I had never heard of it before my teacher had us watch it last year. Has Denzel Washington and is really good in my opinion.
  6. Pretty sure now you just admitted to cheating. Not that anyone really had a doubt in their mind anyways but still
  7. Can we make it so that homicide has to write all server and handbook update posts on the forums? We wouldn't actually know what is being added so we would be really surprised when we get in game
  8. Omg ur leaking APD test questions! Now we have to make a whole new test
  9. @NokiaStrong Mostly what I figured, Just wasn’t really sure if you should RP or just tell them what they did and such. All the rest of what you said I know but I mean if they send a video of you sending them to jail for breaking a rule they would need like the full situation so you would probably be okay. I record everything anyways but just saying
  10. Yeah I have to agree. Can a senior clarify the way you should tell someone this. Like after you read all the charges would it be something like “since you have been (rule quoting/broke a server rule) I will be sending you straight to jail with no chance to pay your ticket” or something else. I’ve just never done it because I’ve never really known how I should do it
  11. Well I guess lethals would be authorized. The wording kinda makes it confusing since it says “only legal vehicles” but I get it
  12. This is honestly such a good handbook update imo. I like the govt official thing and a few of the other parts clear up some things. But are armed Jeeps still be able to used on armed planes or...?
  13. By this logic, a sAPD members dick is one of @DeadPooLs fingers
  14. You picked the meme team to win Gotta love the confidence
  15. at this point if your not gonna say any names or report it your just wasting everyones time.
  16. If you see something wrong with what a senior is doing then you should report it to The Chief of Police. In this case it’s Rex. Unless of course it’s The Chief breaking rules then you report it to McDili “But i think APD should have a REP just like Civs do, just to talk about how the game could be better,” -PARA Thats called the Senior APD
  17. It appears im the only person to make contact with scribble and not be banned. Should I be expecting something?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Ill give you a pack of cigs to be unbanned

    3. Scribble


      I’m down for a good bribe

    4. iPopsicle


      Thank you for your review!

  18. Puts them in a car inside kavala and then switches to civ and takes them out of car
  19. One time a guy gave me warning shots on the ground and then killed me. He then killed my gang member. After it all he admitted he RDM’d me but said he didn’t RDM my gang member cuz RDMing me engaged them
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