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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. I miss the old toxic roundtables 😔


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      @ Dante  it got to the point on roundtables that Zahzi & Ryan had to make rules on the roundtables because there were always 11+ pages of shit-talking/arguing going on with them. It was actually so entertaining just shit-talking and arguing about shit for the server.

      Now if you say something toxic or "unproductive" they delete it ;(

    3. -dante-


      To be fair @ destruct deadpool didn’t hold back on the most outrageous broken ideas I ever heard of lmao 

    4. Mighty
  2. @ Mita is a horse? @ Rexo you got some explaining to do buddy…
  3. @ Rexo touched a Norwegian women inappropriately

  4. Who else is gonna compare @ Grandma Gary to Hitler if you leave?
  5. happy birthday @ Doc lil bitch

  6. Isn’t there an old edited video of this same scene with old staff back in the day. With either gary or mcdili being hitler?
  7. Congrats @ Masonn

    *racism warning*


  8. I know how to fix the pop. Whitelist the Chinese! @ Zahzi get on it.

  9. damn @ Headtaps boutta be the next Sr. APD member
  11. @ CaloomClark love the pic, but what the fuck is the picture on your wall.... and why is the frame 20x the size of the actual picture haha.
  12. If you shave the sides of ur stache i’m sure @ Grandma Gary would love to hit the adjust rep button (whatever its called i don’t remember)
  13. You’re not. Its a civilian event that the APD is permitted to attend. Its not an APD vs. CIV. This has been the case the entire time since airdrops were implemented in the server. And before someone tries to debate this, it has been said several times by the owner, lead devs, and the developer that made the entire event, and allowed APD to participate. The whole point of this event being in warzone is to get more people to log on after conquest and fight warzone on s1. Because majority of them just log off after conquest.
  14. Whoever made the Wiki white instead of the dark theme it was deserves to die.

    and if It was the midget @ Zahzi  that told you to do it you should have told him to kick rocks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mighty


      @ Zahzi updated the wiki and the theme was no longer supported. The@Senior Wiki Curatorteam has been looking into a new theme.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Since light has to travel further to reach short people and is therefore less intense it doesn't affect @ Zahzi as much as the rest of us.

    4. Rafa


      Never would’ve let this happen I should’ve never retired ffs 

  15. Decla had to wait 16o hours before he got promoted to PO. Maybe ur like him
  16. Nah man. Nowaday you post one guy's face with no context and they give you a perm on the forums & ingame, with no warning.
  17. How does someone not get removed from Sr. Support team for that big of a fuck up?

    Unless I am missing something, but from what I heard, idk how you still Sr. Support. No offense @ TapTap

    1. Show previous comments  73 more
    2. Orbit


      god i miss arma beef

    3. Zeuse


      @ Orbit  it just isn't the same without goat and rabid 🙄

    4. Civak


      The Medic Ghosthawk isn't a "cop out" of anything. You guys were clearly doing something you shouldn't have been and then were pissed off at TapTap for doing something he shouldn't have done either. The difference is you guys slob on each other so hard and want to delete everyone else's whitelists the moment you see an opportunity. It's hard to explain this to the hivemind retards in Aegis who still believe that going to Air Hospital during a fed is breaking wave rule. But hey, keep deleting peoples' whitelists just so you can stay at the top uncontested. I'm sure it's going great.

  18. There really aren't many great picks, but that is also his own fault, as previously I have heard him say he and Mako feel stuck where they are as dep chief & chief because no one can replace them, which is their own fault of not setting the APD up for future success with who they promote. That was also probably a year ago that he said that though. As for merit, the dude literally didn't touch a cop slot for almost a YEAR. He literally didn't play from 7/4/2022 - 5/5/2023. and the reasoning I have heard from other Sr. APD is he has a job and stuff... like everyone else doesn't.
  19. As far as staff gear in houses goes, personally, I never had anyone have access to my houses with staff gear, with the exception of other staff members. Idk if that is the case for some of the others, but Ik the Staff that I used to play with did the same thing.
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