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Everything posted by Momentum

  1. Congrats on making history with us, Kevin!
  2. Hoping it was you Kevin, I feel it !
  3. Lol
  4. Oh also since im permd now just want to wish you success with the News Team
  5. Its ok we are all legends now, we made history today and hopefully Kavalians will tell our tale for years to come!
  6. Cant top us right now lets see who comes forward and trys to beat us!
  7. Yeah reveal the truth I want to know who got that 300mil!
  8. Was working hard that day, put in some good hours, thanks
  9. Nice who got the 300mil?
  10. How much did I make?
  11. Not sure if you saw but jesse mentioned it in another post. Olympus is currently using 32 but but hey are in the process of getting things ready. He also mentioned that they don't want to rush into it. They want to make sure that Bohemia can work out the kinks before implementing.
  12. Congrats @Ramennoodles well deserved!

  13. Congrats @DanteFleury for becoming a moderator, I knew you would become one sooner or later. Well deserved man!

    1. -dante-


      Thanks buddy! Appreciate it!

  14. @MrRonSwanson Welcome to the server, I'm sure you've already read and understand the rules to the server as well as its factions. Just in case you did not I'll link them below for you. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us! Also if you need any help feel free to drop by the Olympus TeamSpeak Support Team Help channel. There are many active Support Team members who are willing to help whenever.
  15. Best Shot: Not sure Best Driver: Not sure Best Heli Pilot: G.O.A.T, Fuzy Best Officer: Dustin, Maddog, Best R&R: DaneG, Dante Fleury Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Bow Best RP'r: Not sure Most Tactical: Corporal_Moob Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: SwiggitySwooty Most Reliable: DaneG, Dante Fleury Most Dedicated Player: DaneG, Dante Fleury, Daskopflos
  16. Congrats @Dezree! I knew you would get admin with all these new moderators.

  17. No i didn't really know what I was doing when I first played mine craft so I only played in creative and built things.
  18. Singleplayer: Minecraft or Call of Duty (The first one) Multiplayer: Arma 2 (DayZ)
  19. I feel like I'm having more frame drops and still got texture bugged.
  20. I can agree with you on this back when i was a deputy many months ago and even when i first joined the server it was and still is scary to ask senior members about things. I cant really speak on their behalf but i know at least on R&R's side of things messages rarely go un noticed. When most of us are on if we get a message whoever sends it gets a quick response. I think there is a bad stigma with the APD about promotions. While I dont agree with their methods i can understand where they are coming from as they do have a higher influx of people applying to the APD.
  21. Yeah I understand you and I thank you for actually typing a response regarding MCPD that actually provokes a nice peaceful discussion. And also if I come off as angry or attacking you just realize I am angry about this topic but I am in no way angry at you. All in all thanks for asking a good question and not typing a stupid sentence just provoking argument.
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