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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Receiving shots + storing vehicle 1min 7 seconds later = combat store Only reason the hawk wasn't comp'd is because I submitted the comp ticket. Absolutely laughable. Correct me if I'm wrong @ Rafa , but last time I checked, when you combat seize a federal event vehicle, you comp it?
  2. Seeing as administrative action wasn't taken, and I wasn't comped, I disagree. I have been Chief of Police long enough to know what "appropriate action" means, and seeing as you still have the same rank, it clearly isn't "appropriate".
  3. I mean, even if you wanted to do a BW, cops can just seize a ghosthawk 1 min after shots fired and get away with it xDDDDDDDDDDD
  4. "I'm locked in" - @ Orbit  after resubbing

  5. god bless @ NokiaStrong
  6. The GOAT 🤝 Drizzy

    scary szn

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. proud


      ur in ur late 20s acting like a retarded child let that sink in

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Cock watchers

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      IN THE CHAT AMIRITE? @ Panda :)

  7. Buying AT Jeep and all WP, PM me

  8. I'm down to commentate. I'll even throw out free hackusations
  10. 99fd3b976719ebf3cac5542501841e12.png



    1. buckie


      Surprised they got an internet connection @ Strae stop sharing 

    2. Strae


      they got the satellite dish stealing my shit bout to go send the cartel their way

    3. buckie

    1. Mr GOAT
    2. Brandyn


      Fragger Jebussy!!!

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      i will say this one last time. Jeber is MINE no one else has access to his bussy like i do. You guys think you have him but in reality he only wants me.

  12. 6+ tickets, no action (above your paygrade albeit). You can't make the claim you never "see anything concrete".
  13. Bro, this thread is FULL of my fans. What do you not get that this is probably the most entertaining thread I've read in awhile? You guys have gone out of your way to "expose" me while using a community members death as a reason to amplify the argument (seems like the people making the argument are the REAL pieces of shit in the community, quite a shame you're using a community members death to be petty, and take an L). Then, when it's pointed out that you support/supported a convicted pedophile, you backpedal. I'd love to see your literacy score. I'd imagine it's similar to our Lead (retired?) dev's.
  14. you're proving my point retard. why the fuck would I trust a random on an arma 3 forum named "exterminated" lmfao
  15. The GOAT fan club just gets bigger and bigger. Hahaha glad to see all the members showing up for the meeting
  16. mini-admin noble coming in the thread for his un-asked-for opinion. great content yo lets do a reading test and see which elementary grade you fell off in and as always, R E N T F R E E join the GOAT fan club today, apply in this thread! Literally my point to the T of why I asked if it was legitimate or not. I vividly remember people linking the pic of him like half naked passed out on a couch saying he "OD'd on heroin"
  17. @ coopacarp care to comment?
  18. I am that guy that requested information on a players death on a STATUS UPDATE OF A RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBER. Honestly you sound dumber the more you type to justify your advocation for a convicted pedophile There are numerous people still around this community who vividly recall your statements in support of a convicted pedophile. Enough said man. Take the seat. Hold the L.
  19. So to clarify: I'm being flamed for asking for literal proof of the death of a community member I have previously played with/know? Wow, so BOLD of me to ask! Like I said in the status update, hold deez. @ coopacarp is a vocal/known supporter of Raptor427. Don't come at me sideways when you actually advocated for a convicted pedophile (which activities were conducted on THIS server) in numerous ways. Then, when you got caught up, said it was a "joke". Trust me buddy, we don't forget those kinda things I can continue this exposè if you'd like. Just @ me
  20. Seems as if I upset some people and they reported my YouTube video. Not to worry fans, we have REUPLOADED your favorite content!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Clashingtin


      Who’s this retard yelling in my ear 

    3. Skys


      mako lives rent free in yet another mind

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      I was the pilot of the blackfish 

  21. will outbid on armed planes
  22. PSA: Per @ Grandma Gary  Smoke exploiting is NOT allowed on S1. 

    1. Xlax
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @ Xlax have it recorded if you want clip

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