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Everything posted by Larkerz

  1. ah shit here we go again

  2. Only if you didn't make a custom steamcommunity link
  3. your steam64 id. https://steamid.io/
  4. how is the wall not there if you hit it? wut
  5. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198260111024/#sort=order https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198260111024/#sort=order
  6. fiber: weed Aluminum: Rock quarry? Iron mine? plat, copper silver mine? no clue. I do know that they disabled them for a bit not sure if you can still get them.
  7. go in TS and go into the support room (join for help) and ask any question you have there.
  8. @i chop hatchbacksETA on hatchback chopping montage?

    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      its gonna be a full 24 hours

      ive got 5 hours of footage 


    2. Larkerz


      we need an hour trailer. I need this in my life.

  9. Atleast you weren't up against @Montez He would've been through the other wall when you died. You are autistic.
  10. very last page, oldest on the page.
  11. WOW! 300?! Holy shit dude. Keep goin soon you'll beat @Bojo
  12. hbd @Mutiny. You were born today? Nice!

    1. Mutiny


      yeah im literally zero years old

    2. Larkerz


      Thats why I said it.

  13. hbd @Ryan-norris hows 136 treatin' ya?

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