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Everything posted by indian

  1. goodbye amigo, you will be missed
  2. dayz and arma are on sale at humble bundle so if you got a friend wanting either game or you want your own alt for vigi or processing, use this link https://www.humblebundle.com/games/bohemia-interactive-2019-bundle
  3. @Mutiny Nooooooo the trivia is gone!!!! Free him

  4. thank you for the tip Corporal Tryhards!!!
  5. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA share the wealth pls I have $15 in my checking account venmo - Ar7980
  6. indian


    stfu kid you run side to side on a weird court flailing your arms across your body with a netted stick in your hand. I'd stomp on you while walking you ant
  7. csgo MM anybody? im SEM or GN1

    1. Vcx


      yeah ez pz carry

    2. Lukeee


      dont play with indianhe sucks

    3. Evann


      11 hours ago, Lukeee said:

      dont play with indianhe sucks


      indian is actually so braindead he has no awareness of what is going on ever

  8. stfu lol I haven’t been on the server in 2 1/2 weeks. Getting on the forums has become a habit.
  9. indian


    it is, less time consuming knowing that the 2 days a week I get on that server, I’m guaranteed a fight you’re horrible at tennis, stop piping up afroman
  10. indian

    I'm Back!!!

    The Legend is back
  11. that's sick asf lol you're parents must be loaded. My dad's planning on buying the model 3 or just waiting for the Y to come out
  12. base model or stacked with autopilot and what not?
  13. sick car my guy drive some 4door 2017 jeep
  14. indian


    lol dw if I was @‘ing people, you’d be the one of the first people on the list. GL with whatever you’ve got ahead of you DP, I’ll miss playing with you
  15. indian


    goodbye dude, hmu for middle manning bets lol perry the platypus yessir
  16. indian


    It really did. Don't want to look back at my life later knowing that I failed the most crucial year of HS because of a video game lol well... I did, and I still do. Just not as much as I'd like to. sick rhymes eta on corporal?
  17. indian


    shut the fuck up retard, skeng force alpha leader is your life's biggest accomplishment. zekee!!!!!
  18. indian


    horrible rust player, will stomp you any time of the day
  19. indian


    Hello, gamers. Figured I'd make this for those I've played with in the past that might wonder where I've gone. Been a little over a year now of playing this game religiously and with my junior year around the corner (Aug 14), I'm not willing to risk my grades or social life for this dog shit game. I've ditched going places and doing shit with friends way too many times and I'd like to change that for the rest of my time in HS. This game, however, has addiction rates similar to crack so I might somehow play again, just not any time soon. And on top of friends, the classes I'm taking and maybe playing volleyball will prevent me from even touching my PC on most school nights. The most I'm willing to do for this community during the school year is staff it and/or help run GW's but even imagining myself as a staff member is laughable to most, including myself. Love this community, not the game, best of luck to you @Ryan and I hope you can bring this community to life outside of Arma. cba to @ people, you'd prob be on the list if we've played together. I might be on like once every other week until my school year starts and possibly GW if it's before Aug 14th. Also planning on giving my armed prowler away, I'll get into that on a later date. o7 If anybody wants to talk in discord, and wants me to order them cheap asf DoorDash, join: https://discord.gg/2sbu9q
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