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Everything posted by indian

  1. 2019 Acura ILX My dad does some shit at Honda/Acura so the car was a bit cheaper.
  2. neither did I until i saw this post
  3. I have no issue with it bc it’s in the streams category
  4. Support -> New Request -> R&R Applicaiton -> Listen to the instructions regarding age exceptions in the guidelines, write a RP based narrative and submit it.
  5. congrats @Strae. Have fun lasering kids with your own ghosthawks.

  6. It’s some drug addiction recovery phone number. I just called and got yelled at for asking if there was a tutorial for the olympus servers
  7. I would probably die of laughter watching the NSFW memes that everyone would post in there
  8. Guessing I'm going to get downvotes for this one but I use some wireless razer man o wars and they're honestly really good for everything besides it's shitty durability, which in my case, I don't really care about because I have some easily exploitable best buy warranty that just gives me a brand new headset after I either accidentally or purposefully break the headset every 5-6 months. Also the most comfortable headset I have ever worn and I will never go back to wired because it feels so much better to be able to get up and legit walk downstairs to the kitchen and still be able to talk to my friends just fine, and not to mention that my legs and head don't feel locked in place from all of those times I'd step on the headset wire and that shit would go flying off of me. If you aren't neccessarily a tryhard gamer and want something for more casual use, I would definitely reccomend these as long as you can somehow find some sort of warranty/protection for them http://www.rocketjumpninja.com/razer-manowar-review/ ^ a lot of people know him for his mouse reviews and he pretty much says that he would put them high up in the charts as one of his favorite headsets if it wasn't for the headband breaking every now and then.
  9. I want to get a nice sennheiser headset but all there nice gaming headsets have that nasty red all over them and it annoys me since my whole setup is green.
  10. An hour is going to fly by way too quickly imo. It seems like everyone would appreciate Kavala KOS from anywhere around now up to 2019. Devs draw some red KOS circle around kav sometime around now and just keep the final hour as the main focus of the event.
  11. yikes, whats going on?

  12. Vigi will never be taken out. That would be horrible
  13. If anyone wants to drop their PayPal emails below, I might be sending a few $20s around in a day or two. Not completely sure yet but by the time I come to a decision, it would be nice to see some emails to hit up below.


    EDIT: Turns out my PP account got terminated for being underage so I’m going to have to find a way to give the money to my IRL friend, @J-pan, and he’ll send some of you money if I decide to not buy a new mouse and go ahead with this.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      4 hours ago, Dante said:

      [email protected] 

      ill use my old work email to avoid my real name even tho I’m entirely public with it :D

      Leroy jeeeeeeeenkins

    3. -dante-
    4. indian


       Bud of mine has notified me that $15 have been sent to 2 of the 22 emails & snaps I received and I am waiting for the 3rd winner to add me on steam for his $15 steam card. Bought the mouse I wanted and a nice mousepad and hopefully the money I gave away can be put towards things better than what I would've spent the money on. Merry belated christmas.

  14. I didn’t actually get money from Christmas, I got these PP gift cards from Black Friday or some shit. Not sure why I added the money part in there.
  15. Nothing. Didn’t ask for anything cause I don’t really want anything, happy with what I have and the only thing I might want is a new Razer mamba wireless even though my Razer DeathAdder is still working fine. I’m in HS and not that rich but I might give away the 200 in PayPal $ I got from ages ago because I have no real use for money besides spending it on dumb shit like drugs which I’m not even into.
  16. @Ryan Please and Thank you. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8455-Dunsinane-Dr-Dublin-OH-43017/33756202_zpid/
  17. Who’s LT uniform?? If it’s @Pledge’s uniform, you’ve scored yourself some extra money
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