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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. sure
  2. its a investment good man
  3. hmu on discord
  4. aight well gimme 10k if u loose that bet ill give u 12 and if u win ill give u 12 anyways
  5. Hey everyone, my name is money man Mudiwa and runs are what I do best. This Trust is for people who love to gamble and is designed as a backup plan in the event you lose a steep bet. You can give me anywhere from 100k and up. from there I can invest it in equipment and real estate to fund my big boy runs and you can have a 100% return guaranteed. It will take me some time to make your money back depending on the amount you give me so do be aware of that. I can make a solid 10m a day so if you give me more than that to hold for you ill do my best to see you can get it as soon as possible. Example: you give me 2m to hold for you so you can do your bets and not have to worry about going broke. In the sad event, you lose it all ill already have anywhere between 2-4m for you. This is a serious inquiry, I do not bet myself and I see a lot of people that get very upset after they lose all their money. So I'm here for yall I already love doing runs so if I can make it a business ill do it :))) DM me or comment if your interested and I can book appointments with you this weekend. Thank you for taking the time to read this have a great day.
  6. i feel like im gucci mane in 2006
  7. when do i get my official olympus black man title ingame or a wing money title. absolutely outrageous 

  8. sorry im broke
  9. Of course i never share the wealth its all for me
  10. im broke too i have like 10k glad i founded a gang of broke mother fuckers
  11. Kobe Bryant was killed by ERROR NO VEHICLE FOUND.
  12. my 5 minute paycheck for the ghost hawk
  13. my question is how much bread did u get from the arrest
  15. give me 20 mill or u are indeed gay.
  16. WAPLOADED_i_bought_3_human_heart_for_n10-000_to.png.a7cb5a6e57119734c9bd4f378ca94fc6.png when he tps to you and turns your truck gay

  17. toxic
  18. https://plays.tv/video/5dde1cf048a72d328e/4-planes-ramming-into-fed-dome No one was harmed in the making of this video
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