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Space Ranger

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About Space Ranger

  • Birthday 06/20/2002

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Forward Observations Group
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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Watching the past years of debates really makes me miss the 2012 election year
  2. Kendrick or Drake?

    Also Happy Birthday @ Zombie Mall Cop

  3. Congrats @ Rexo  expecting big things from you!

  4. o7 , Although we have argued many times over many things, you helped bring the APD out of the gutter and churn out something better than you were given. Its bitter-sweet to see you go and I'm glad our certified role player @ Rexo got the position he deserved!
  5. What a fantastic game last night, one of the better super bowls I've watched

    Also congrats ma boi @ G H O S T

  6. not just pictures of you lol, you arent that important. Not sure where delusional came from, I am pretty anchored in reality unlike some people on olympus
  7. Oh no he deleted my comment calling caloom a "potato muncher", looks like someone is actually trying to keep things civil rather than make it worse
  8. You think I want SGT on a dying server lol? enjoy your "community manager" for the little time this server last
  9. Are you forgetting about yourself? Cant for the life of me remember anything you did besides bitch and moan
  10. Who deleted my status update where I said " @ nicole  having a job at McDonalds is not the same as being an LEO"

  11. TLDR; Nicole has no life and its kings fault for having a life
  12. Standard reply from @ Winters regarding any IA against aegis.

    "it has been mentioned"


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fefe
    3. Clashingtin


      You are legit making a clown out of yourself stop posting 

    4. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      @ Clashingtin and your opinion of me matters why?

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