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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. just dont get banned DUH
  2. Love claiming my 50k a day makes me feel great!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      I hope you're at least putting it on black?

    3. ben-


      Tried turning my 50k into 10 mil and subsequently lost 60 million in the casino?

    4. Toretto


      You’re welcome. It could be $0 or a quad bike!

  3. Wait who is Morga 

  4. can we add an option to our houses where u can buy a casino so I can just gamble in my house thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. djdarkmunk


      gambling is on the stats page @ Toretto

    3. stayclaxxy


      Are t you blacklisted?

    4. Ryan


      @ Toretto  I say we just do it anyway and dont tell him

  5. yup cant wait to be forced to respawn after requesting for 15mins cus u guys are afk gambling
  6. Can we get a scar h for the mxm and stop putting it on the spar which no one uses thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucien


      Yeah ill put it in when @ batGooseCan gets corporal

    3. billdroid


      do it now or else

    4. maxg


      would already be done if i was still contrib 🥱

  7. if mike wins im throwing every penny on green @ stayclaxxy I will need an unblacklist if he wins

  8. how tf did we let caloom get mod 

  9. stripper down good shit
  10. Remember karma its not how long it took for you to get corp. Its how you got it hard work pays off man keep up the great work @ Karma

  11. Is it still lubed up?
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