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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. download_3.jpg?ex=67c43b96&is=67c2ea16&h

    1. Clashingtin


      we own the [ACTF] tucked in

  2. image.png?ex=67c12597&is=67bfd417&hm=717

    1. Mighty


      Time for Anti APD AA Mighty to come back


  3. Can we ban this retard from posting
  4. bye @ Doc  Thanks for all the awesome updates  every month!

  5. OLSN has it I just made the post
  6. Selling Xian current offer 100mil clash0201 add me on discord if needed
  7. best  bw ever?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Element_


      Why are you giving this @ Sevro  guy gear? Just make him buy it off you so his money can be distributed equally.

    3. Clashingtin


      @ Kaotic  no this was like 4hours ago vs like 17 cops

    4. HydraPOX


      all of that just to end up with an RPG 💔

  8. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/jG1BymfqkJ1JvTpQk?invite=cr-MSx2Y2EsNjk0NDAxMTAs
  9. just ask @ Mako he normally spawns us in anything we need
  10. just dont get banned DUH
  11. Love claiming my 50k a day makes me feel great!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      I hope you're at least putting it on black?

    3. ben-


      Tried turning my 50k into 10 mil and subsequently lost 60 million in the casino?

    4. Toretto


      You’re welcome. It could be $0 or a quad bike!

  12. Wait who is Morga 

  13. can we add an option to our houses where u can buy a casino so I can just gamble in my house thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. djdarkmunk


      gambling is on the stats page @ Toretto

    3. stayclaxxy


      Are t you blacklisted?

    4. Ryan


      @ Toretto  I say we just do it anyway and dont tell him

  14. yup cant wait to be forced to respawn after requesting for 15mins cus u guys are afk gambling
  15. Can we get a scar h for the mxm and stop putting it on the spar which no one uses thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucien


      Yeah ill put it in when @ batGooseCan gets corporal

    3. billdroid


      do it now or else

    4. maxg


      would already be done if i was still contrib 🥱

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