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Senior APD Member
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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. whats everyones dream job and where do you do for work now?
  2. Can we remove all office buildings from bank and any further bank designs thank you 

    1. Skys


      skill issue 

    2. NokiaStrong


      Mandating all future bank designs include at least 1 office building.

    3. Lucien


      I disagree make every single object an office building 

  3. I know many of you know me from NUT SACK DOG. But I have very sad news that nutsack dog will not be returning due to some recent events 😞

  4. I just bought a hawk off zero no scam
  5. If I don’t have the type after this video then idk man
  6. @ Mako would it be possible to add the drug airdrop to oly+?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Clashingtin


      Yeah every month you get 1 gear and 1 veh you can call both in after a 45min timer or something 

    3. goooooon


      just talked to mako he said no 

    4. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      ah okay then apologies, see no reason to not add it especially when people are paypigging olympus with $15 a month

  7. IMG_0454.jpgHey man I think my dog is angry 

  8. whos watching this with me

  9. I will buy one just save one for me I’m at 12mil rn just give me like a week or less
  10. @Senior APD Member can we get a PSA on the armed jeep because no one knows the rules. 

    Armed Jeep removed from corporal to be purchesed from shop and to only be used for any means. Not to be used for anything else

    seems to be no update in the handbook.

    1. Lucien


      Thanks for the psa clash

    2. nman


      SOUNDS like we will still probably never encounter an APD armed jeep as civs then.

    3. Revise


      Just like the only PSA we received for hospital is already 3-4 pages back in status updates 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clashingtin


      The thing at the front of apd where you hit O to open 

    3. notsodank


      I think you need to pm Mako on every contact method

    4. Rexo


      Only means of contact is by pigeon mail. 

  12. @hawk when the clock strikes 12 Happy birthday brother. I also got you a gift it should  be shipped to your house next week ❤️

  13. Thank you KARMA for buying me the contact DLC man I LOVE YOU

  14. @hawk wanna be my valentine? 

    1. hawk


      No I’m already e dating @Lucien

    2. Clashingtin


      Ok fuck you man 

  15. COULD BE GOOD IF you want to layback and relax and watch utube or movies but idk about gaming
  16. I know we aren’t allowed to carry sdars in our backpack but would it be allowed for airdrops that are near water because people show up with wetsuits in water and camp it

    @sr apd

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brandyn


      @Lucien Sounds like a idea I've mentioned before. Definitely would not be bad at all. Corporals already have lethals so why would carrying a sdar be a issue for them. 

    3. Karma


      Yes and let me wear a wetsuit so I can drip or die since you don't wanna give me my type 

    4. TapTap


      Sure why not, I can't see any issues w/ this. 

  17. Good job @ Karma i knew you could achieve your goals!! 

    1. Karma


      What were my goals again 

  18. It’s too cold man 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Karma


      Gotta do mass trainings bro I want cuddles with clash-chan so bad 😮💨🥴

    3. Jeber


      @ Lucien You already know. Jeber for cotm in March!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Lea


      Well I guess I have to come off reserves now ❤️🧁

  19. You can make it so when the person alt f4’s with a Warrant it auto updates to a different person with a high enough bounty please. I don’t wanna have to go back to hq every time 

    1. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Thanks for this information. I did not know it was a physical thing.

      I will now wait 3 - 5 minutes before soft-logging to purposely inconvenience police.

    2. Mighty


      • Warrants will soon persist through softlog, so this will not give a cooldown for free.
    3. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      @ Mighty

      What will stop me from just logging out. Nothing!!!



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