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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. these scripts got detected
  2. So from the 2 cartels Tower cap and new cap you can contest it from the water I feel like we should change this where you cant contest it from the water or move the cap away from the water because I dont have time to sit and wait for these sharks to come out. Im not sure if this is already being worked on or not
  3. apply for RNR insta rank up ill take some
  4. The worst part is everytime you kill him/her it’s always the oh I was afk but will be shooting an entire mag at you
  5. Have you seen his stream he isn’t fat
  6. Clashingtin


    Ok I’ll text you when I’m on
  7. Clashingtin


    How much for the mar10
  8. Clashingtin


    Ok perfect I’ll buy it when I’m hkme from school I’ll be on around 2:40pm est and also what is an at jeep never seen it
  9. Clashingtin


    Do you still have just the mar10 tazer
  10. https://gyazo.com/52a1a6c6c7965af7abb02848e9730497 Mhh any guess who this is
  11. I dont find at's good anymore cus u cant sling em
  12. Cop was driving like 250 and not even on the road take his license away
  13. Id think sitting in kav all day killing nakeds would make there aim good but I guess im wrong
  14. this post is getting spicy
  15. how am I pussy for having it on private I keep it on private so I dont get offline raided on rust
  16. You mean when I was roleplaying with a cop outfit on and having fun never robbed anyone
  17. AENT U PErmed for cheating why u still here
  18. I just afk on cap and watch utube most the time at night when no one is on
  19. get his cock out of your mouth I cant hear u
  20. playing it smart because there was 2 more cops behind me at white building
  21. im not even a cop why would I care
  22. Wasn’t my idea retard If I cared about my rep I wouldn’t have posted this and I’m not really getting shit on
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