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Everything posted by Deluxe

  1. Imagine not smoking crack
  2. 4.5 mil for 7.62 and 400k for 5.56
  3. 600k for both no yeah
  4. deal
  5. sold, are you on?
  6. 5
  7. https://gyazo.com/a6556a2cede87b8d50e3570ceac188ff https://gyazo.com/2758262bdfa0bafc47c38034f09e83b2 https://gyazo.com/a2b767b5b60f77b8a3fcb490607edab3 https://gyazo.com/ecf5f22b916a31133e5598c074d562d6 https://gyazo.com/9083589c1eb0f784021d8da37d678152 https://gyazo.com/df619a8d3648c8058176eccb27d6e824 https://gyazo.com/f10d74a518eacbd7091f67177c1c2d67 https://gyazo.com/4a0e0aa890488dd1df00d1278bd05004 https://gyazo.com/90ac3678b0b19becd00e5259592241d8 762 supp, 6.5 stealth sound, 556 supp, 2bw mags, 2 mx, 1 mxm taser, 1 spar taser rpg & rocket, 2 pilot covs Offer or get it all for 8.5 mil (gear) Only selling all the houses together 40 mil non-negotiable. Quitting the game so all proceeds go to the casino. (all in on green)
  8. What the fuck does "receive house comp" mean?

    1. Fraali
    2. Zahzi


      3 minutes ago, Fraali said:

      Basically a way for you to get any gear admins have comped you

      Once the functionality is added to life control anyway ^^

    3. Deluxe


      I thought my houses were getting deleted lol

  9. o7
  10. Yeah that's great but 10/5 $TSLA 420
  11. yikes
  12. 762_top_of_rocks.mp3
  13. Some pussy shit ngl
  14. The processing buff isn't working.

  15. Unban everyone @Ryan It's so obvious to me why 95% of new players stop coming back very quickly. They are in the mindset that in order to make money they need to do runs. And doing runs is just not viable if you are starting out. They are just too stupid to not get robbed.
  16. Deluxe

    New Music

  17. unknown.png


    @Trimorphious bonus while processing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monks


      i havent processed in years

    3. billdroid


      U haven’t been here for years new gen noob

    4. Deluxe


      @billdroid yeah fuck this game

  18. If they say hands up or be tased just kill them it doesn't matter if it's illegal
  19. die
  20. unknown.png


    Anyone have any way to get unbanned from r6? 1000 hours and hundreds of dollars down the drain lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Raquese


      @Deluxe I would write a super long apology 

    3. Deluxe



      I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize. So what we came across that day on the woods was obviously unplanned and the reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down, and stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently, but I didn't, and for that from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet, I want to apologize to anyone who's seen the video, I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness, or depression, or suicide. But, most importantly, I want to apologize to the victim and his family. For, my fans, who are defending my actions, please don't, they do not deserve to be defended. The goal of my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all inclusive and in the world I live in I share almost everything I do. The intent is never to be heartless, cruel, or malicious. Like I said, I made a huge mistake, I don't expect to be forgiven, I'm just here to apologize. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself, and I promise to be better. I will be better, thank you.

    4. Raquese


      @Deluxe try it and ask if its not a perm try to reduce to a month or something

  21. Odd way of having "fun"
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